63- From The Same Vine

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Obi-Wan had found things easier when he cleared his mind. When he did that, he could drown out the things that had pained him. He had been a victim of a sithlord that controlled his mind and hadn't faced it alone yet.

He made himself unnoticeable in the crowd of people walking along the road.

Then he saw them. A group of rowdy bounty hunters walking out of a bar of some sort.

There was a total of 6 of them. 3 girls and 3 guys. He didn't recognize them but hid his face when they pulled up a hologram of him.

"Bounty for Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Said one of the female hunters.

"Jedis... think they're better then us because they can use the force" grunted a low male voice, "who wants him?".

"The entire planet of Achu" Said the female voice again, "apparently he killed some shop owner. Then his wife disappeared. She hasn't been seen since that day. They think he took her".

Obi-Wan cringed at that assumption but continued to listen from the ally.

"What's the wife's name?" Said a voice masked by a buzz.

"This is a no questions asked bounty" she said and shrugged, "when we have him, we have to take him to the Achu Leader so he can face justice".

"How much?" Asked another female voice.

"60,000" She said, barley above a whisper.

Obi-Wan felt the panic rise in his chest. He was definitely not safe on this planet and if Achu knew who he was, he'd have to stay hidden.

He looked back at the group for a split second making eye contact with one of the female bounty hunters wearing Mandalorian armor. She tilted her head and he pulled himself back behind the building.

His comms beeped and startled him. Before awnsering it, he took one last glance at the group who finally left. He sighed in relief and awnsered the call. The clone group showed in the hologram.

"General, we are reporting back to the ship. Sorry, but our come were tapped into and we couldn't risk giving away our location" said the commander.

"Its fine Commander" Obi-Wan said and sighed, "was there anything to report?".

"There's a group of 6 bounty hunters. We know the names of 5 of them but one of them isn't in our system" He said.

"That doesn't surprise me... Many bounty hunters are masters of disguise" Obi-Wan said.

"You misunderstand me sir" The commander said, "Her armor is way too advanced to be just for bounty hunters. She has to be... well it's just isn't normal".

"Calm down. She's obviously just a successful bounty hunter. Armor or not" Obi-Wan said, dismissively.

"You're probably right sir... over and out" said the commander.

Obi-Wans eyes squinted in confusion as he took a moment to think. He tried to think rationally for his next move. He was always the rational one compared his former padawan who would jump to what could be his death.

Gosh, I hated when he did that


Obi-Wan thought with instinct first and threw whoever scared him back against the wall with the force. The person ended up being Anakin who laughed hysterically at his reaction.

"You should... have... seen... your face" Anakin said between strangled laughs.

"Are you serious Anakin? I could have hurt you" Obi-Wan said.

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