55- Im Bleeding, Band-Aids Wont Heal It

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Luke woke up in the middle of the night freezing cold. The first time he'd ever been freezing on Tatooine. The pain from his wound had become as painful as when he lost his hand. He stood up slowly and quietly walked to the bathroom. It was obvious that Leia hadn't heard him get up.

He looked in the mirror to see his reflection. So this is why Leia looked so worried. He looked terrible. He looked like a pale white ghost. He looked way more sickly than he felt. Slowly he turn and lifted his tunic on his right side. Bandages covered the wound. He peeled it back and was horrified to see it was infected.

"Crap" Luke muttered.

He touched it lightly with a damp cloth and recoiled in pain. Still, it was better to clean it than for it to become more infected. He put the bandage back in place and took a deep breath. Brushing his hair back in deep thought, he asked himself what he could do about it. He could die from this wound. It was only a matter of time until he would succumb to this injury.

"Luke?" Leia muttered quietly.

He turned to look at her and dropped his tunic. She leaned against the frame barley opening her eyes.

"What are you doing?" She asked horsely, "Its the middle of the night".

"Nothing... " he said nonchalantly.

She rubbed her eyes and pulled him out of the bathroom, turning off the light, "Then go to sleep".

She threw herself back on her bed and was instantly asleep.

Maybe i should tell her. Im doing myself no good by not. Luke thought. He walked back to his own bed and went to sleep again.


It was morning now as the two suns roze on Tatooine. Merchants wasted no time setting their stands up with goods for trading. Leia was awake before Luke was and to her surprise he was still breathing.

At least he's alive she thought. Maybe she could drag him to a doctor. Not that there were many on Tatooine. When people were sick, she was sure they would go somewhere else to get treatment. That is if they had the money.

Leia had been lying there for almost 30 minutes just watching Luke breathe. She knew it was laughable to worry about him. She would have teased Luke about it if their roles were reversed.

"You can stop staring at me... I'm not going to die" He mumbled into his pillow.

Leia huffed and sat up, "My hairs a mess".

She ran her hand threw her hair and reached for the lamp on her bedside. She sighed again knowing her change of topic was stupid.

"Are you getting up?" Leia asked, in a fruitless effort to sound a bit more casual.

"Yeah... In a minute" Luke said into his pillow.

Leia rolled her eyes and pulled on her new boots from. The were dark brown pair she had been given when they were in their fathers time. She grabbed her jacket and tied it around her waist over her weapons. She wished she could hit Luke in the head to get him up. He sat up at last and put on his own boots and weapons belt. As Leia had said, he now had a blaster incase he needed it.

"How you you feeling today?" Leia asked.

"Better" Luke said and stood with ease.

Leia gave a him a look of disbelief and turned her attention back to lacing her boots.

"You know, Im still not really sure why were here" Leia emphasized.

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