29- I Hate The Beach, but I Stand

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Anakin stood infront of the window looking out at the sandy dunes of Tatooine. He remembered playing with his friends and sometimes with his mother when Watto was being generous. He remembered getting sand in his eyes on many occasions and he remembered cleaning his clothes of it. He had to deal with sand for so long it led to him despising it.

Luke stepped next to him.

"Two of the clones are coming with us, the others are staying here with the ship" Luke said.

"Alright" Anakin said.

Luke looked through the window with him. He remembered navigating the sandy hills when he wasn't working at the moisture farm. Going into town to buy his uncle parts.

"I don't think I can do this again" Anakin said.

"Why?" Luke asked.

"Because... well. I did something horrible here" Anakin said.

"The sand people right? What happened?" Luke asked.

"You... i-i I can't tell you" Anakin said.

"Why?" Luke questioned.

"Because of how you would look at me after I tell you" Anakin said looking down.

He now started to cry. Luke had never seen him almost cry like he was now. It was the guilty and sad.

"No no father" Luke said, "please you have to tell me".

"The sand people... er" Anakins voice broke slightly, "they took my mother when I was a padawan. I had been having dreams about her for months. She would be begging me for help. I had to check on her but when I got to her she died. I... killed every single on of them. The men, women even the children".

Luke was taken aback. He knew whatever happened had been bad.

"O-oh" Luke said stunned.

It was all he could say and he immediately regretted how he said it.

"We gotta get going" Anakin said, "we have to find Obi-Wan".

Anakin walked away from the window while Luke hung back. Luke couldn't help but watch the sand dunes as Anakin had been doing. After another minute he walked out of the room and out into the 2 sun's of Tatooine.

"We have a speeder ready for you general" said Captain Rex.

"Thank you captain" Anakin said.

The four got on the speeder with Luke driving. He was going to take them to the peaceful cave he was talking about. After Anakin had told him about what happened to his mother, his thoughts were all jumbled. He didn't blame his father for his actions to the sand people. He understood why he did it completely. The ride was done in silence.

'Luke... why are you so confused'

It was Leia's voice who spoke to him. She sat next to him but she wasn't looking at him.

'I'm not confused I'm just... have a hard time understanding'

'I'm pretty sure that's code for confusion.'

Luke smiled to himself.

'I'm fine. Let's just do this and try and get back home.'

Leia nodded to herself.


'Bating the Skywalkers to Tatooine is a wise move. Anakin has yet to face himself and what he has done.'

"Yes. Kenobi hasn't faced it either. Tatooine will be an interrogation start to our rein" said Darth Andechu.

'You still underestimate them Darth Andechu'

"They don't let the dark side guide them" Andechu said.

'Even so. The father is the chosen one meant to destroy the sith. That means you. The son and daughter are also not to be trifled with.'

"If they we are as powerful as you say I would be dead" Andechu said.

'You will be if you underestimate them.'

"No they underestimate me. They underestimate the power of the dark zside" Andechu said.

'Your words mean nothing without action my apprentice.'

Darth Andechu darkened. He opened his eyes to see Obi-Wan staring back at him. They mirrored eachother with every move and blink of an eye. However their words were their own.

"Let go Obi-Wan" Andechu said.

"Never" Obi-Wan said.

"You have already started to accept me. Why stop now?" Andechu asked, "with our combined minds we will become one. We will become powerful. Even more powerful than Darth Sidious".

"I am the good in us" Obi-Wan said, "I am not a sith. I am a jedi and the jedi are my friends... my family".

"They would have banished you if they had seen your love for Satine. They would have banished you for declaring Anakin as your brother" Andechu spat, "they aren't your family. You have no family. The only family you have live in holes six feet under".

"Then it's the same for you" Obi-Wan said with scowl.

Andechu smirked, "Unlike you i take it in stride".


"Master you cannot be serious" Ahsoka said as they arrived to the cave.

Ahsoka was referring to the dark cave that they stood in front of. There was no light that could shine through for the entrance was small.

"In my time, it was more open" Luke said, "I guess time changed it".

"Its quiet and peaceful. It is a good place for meditation" Anakin said.

"The ship would have been to" Ahsoka said.

"Leia is untrained and easily distracted. The ship is easily detected" Luke said, "this is the best way to find Obi-Wan".

"We couldn't just use our radar?" Ahsoka asked.

"And risk exposing ourselves to the separatists and other enemies" Anakin asked looking at Ahsoka, "no".

"Why did it have to be a cave?" Ahsoka whined.

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