22- In The Dark

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"Pathetic fools" Palpatine said, "have you not realized who i am. I am Darth Sidious".

Palpatine still held his hand out holding the jedi against the wall. They both couldn't move a muscle, though they still struggled to get free.

"Everything you told me was to corrupt me" Anakin said.

Palpatine smiled with a toothy grin.

"I told you what you wanted to hear." Palpatine said.

"Do you really think you'll win?" Luke asked, "we've defeated you before and we can do it again".

"That was then... but this is now" Palpatine said.

"Actually, it's the future" Luke corrected.

"Enough" Palpatine said, "once more I ask you anakin. Join me and I will teach you the dark side".

"Never" anakin said.

Palpatine laughed and pulled his hand back. Luke went flying into Palpatines desk. He bounced off landing hard on the floor.

"Luke!!" Anakin yelled trying to move against Palatine's grip, "don't hurt him".

Luke grabbed his throat as he gasped for air. He slowly lifted into mid air of his feet. Palpatine slowly closed his fingers.

"This is my second offer anakin. Join me" Palpatine said slowly looking at Luke, "and you'll save your son".

Luke shook his head. He reached down as Palpatine looked back at anakin. Palpatine tilted his head and smiled.

Anakin shook his head trying his best to save face.

"Dont...lis-ten t... to him Ana...k-kin" Luke said through a strained voice.

"Please" Anakin said.

"Its simple Anakin" Palpatine said, "join me and i will teach you power. The power of the dark side".

Luke reached for the lightsaber on his belt and ignited it. It was the yellow bladed one. He swung it at the emperor, slashing his back. The grip on Luke and anakin was released. Anakin ignited his own lightsaber again.

"Foolish Jedi" Palpatine said.

He shook his arm and a hilt came from it. He ignited the shining red blade as the jedi backed away. Anakin stood in front of Luke in a protective stance.

"Now you will die" Palpatine said and charged them in a spinning motion.

Anakin blocked the first attack, giving Luke the chance to lunge at Palpatine swiping at him with his yellow blade. The fight was on and it was intense. Blocking, attacking and evading, Anakin and Luke used everything they had leaned in this fight. The fight that would define them as jedi. As warriors in the most fearsome combat either of them. had ever been in.

Palpatine only laughed through the fight. His attacks were heavy and fast as he expertly backed both into a corner. Luke kicked at the sith-lord. It surprised him as the force of the kick knocked him back.

Luke pulled out his original emerald blade. He now used double lightsabers. Palpatine let out a primal growl as he regained composure. He shut off his lightsaber and threw it away. He raised his hands as if surrendering.

"Anakin. Last chance" Palpatine said, his voice becoming harsh and animalistic.

"I am a Jedi. And you will not sway me to the darkside" Anakin said swinging his blue blade.

Palpatine shook his head.

"If I cannot have you" Palpatine said, "then no one can. Not the Republic, nor the jedi, and certainly not your son".

Palpatine pointed his fingers at anakin and shot him with sith lightning. Anakin blocked with his lightsaber straining as he held back the lighting. Luke made an attempt to slash at the emperor but the emperor just flicked him away. Lukes head hit the wall hard and he was knocked out cold.

"Look at him Anakin. Your son. What would you do for him?" Palpatine said.

Anakin said nothing.

"Any ailment he ever had. You could heal him. You daughter as well." Palpatine said.

Anakin aimed the lighting at Palpatines face making it wrinkle until Palpatine stopped the lightning.

As it happened, Mace Windu, kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin walked in. They were surprised first by the sight.

"We got your message Anakin" Kit said and they drawled their lightsabers.

Palpatine was outmatched as luke regained consciousness.

"Anakin we know he is your son" Mace said strictly.

Luke had regained consciousness by now. He had made his way back to his fathers side. He looked at Mace with a confused expression.

"The most dangerous Sith Lord is standing right in front of you and you ignore that fact to scold Anakin who apprehended him for you?" Luke asked.

"You dare talk like that to a jedi master?!" Windu questioned.

The other masters looked at him with questioning faces.

Palpatine was taken to a jedi prison. Luke and anakin made their way through the temple as they had been summoned to the council room. Where Luke and Leia would reunite and hear the news she brought.


Darth Andechu, formally known as Obi-Wan Kenobi stood at the front of the ship. A ship of which carried droids as strong as the clones. One that would wipe out the Republic for good. With Andechu leading them, they could very well become the most powerful army in the galaxy.

Andechu looked out the window in a long stare. His hands were placed firmly behind his back. A droid walked up to him. He turned to face the droid with one gleaming orange eye. It almost looked red. His clothes were no longer reminiscent of his light jedi robes, but of armor. Red like the bleeding kyber crystal the droid held out to him.

He took it with no hesitation. His lightsaber ignited showing the blood red gleam of the blade.

The droid board respectfully to his new leader, his new lord.

"My lord what is your order" the droid asked.

Andechu said nothing but smiled at the droid evilly.

However somewhere deep inside him he could feel Kenobi. His last hurtle. To make both his eyes a orange.


Obi-Wan, his real self, beat desperately on the black nothingness of the walls. His screams for help were drowned in darkness. So to his hopes of escaping his fate. His destiny was rewritten to fit that of a sith.


Darth Andechu eyed the droid again.

"The apprentice shall be the first to meet my blade" Andechu said, "set course for Coasuant. I have unfinished business with my so called brother".

The droid nodded.

"There are no limits to my power now" Andechu said, "the dark side has forever claimed my soul."


A shift could be felt in the force. Master Yoda felt the swift pain. Luke felt the overwhelming feeling and anakin had to grip a wall just to keep himself from falling faint. Then to cover his mouth from the wave of nausea he felt.

There was a new enemy. One no one could stomach killing. Obi-Wan Kenobi hand fallen victim to the dark side and Palpatine reveled in the sorrow he had brought upon the jedi and so too the Republic.

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