11- I'm Physically Exhausted

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The faint sound of the air was all anakin heard. He shivered pulling the blanket on him closer.





'Luke please answer me son'

'Father?' It was faint but he had heard him.

"Luke? Oh thank the maker. Where are you" Anakin breathed a sigh of relief and covered his mouth. he leaned forward to look out the door. No one was there but he continued in his head

'I don't know. In some sort of cave or den'

'What do you mean den?'.

'The monster that had attacked us... it dragged me off after it threw you..............
I thought you were dead'

'Can't kill me that easily'

'.... yeah well..... when I was being dragged away I remember mountains. Tall ones with flat peaks. If that helps'

'..... Luke? Stay safe'

'I've been in this predicament before.... at least now I'm a trained jedi. A jedi who's feet are bound in ice'


'Calm down, you're stressing me out from here-'

'Luke? Luke?'

"Damn" Anakin cursed.

"Anakin?" Obi-Wan walked in the room and anakin stood.

He always did this as a sign of respect for his master.

"Hello master" Anakin said.

"You gave us quite a scare my old apprentice" Obi-Wan said.

"I'm sorry master" Anakin said, "I didn't mean to scare you".

Obi-Wan smiled and nodded, "sit down. You look awful".

Anakin chuckled and sat back down.

"So.... what happened" Obi-Wan asked sitting in front of him.

"Did Leia not tell you?" Anakin asked, "I was thrown of a cliff by a giant monster".

"Sounds like a typical Saturday night for you" Obi-Wan said and looked serious again, "are you alright".

"I told you I a..."

'Anakin... I can feel your stress as if it were my own. Please tell me what's wrong'

Obi-Wan only ever spoke to him through the force when he was really worried. When Anakin had his arm cut off or all the times he ran off like a idiot.

'I'm sorry master... I can't'

'Tell him' Anakin flinched a little and tried to think of who had talked to him. Luke and Leias voice were soft when they talked in his head. Obi-Wans was as familiar to him as his own. Who was this mysterious voice?

"Obi-Wan... Luke and Leia are my children" Anakin said.

"With Padme?" Obi-Wan asked.

"How did you know?" Anakin asked.

"I am not blind, Anakin. Though I have tried to be for your sake and hers" Obi-Wan said.

"You know me all to well master" Anakin said, sheepishly.

"Of course I do" Obi-Wan said and stood, "come let us find your son".


Luke was upside down again. The same as he had been on Hoth during the war. This time his light-saber was in a thin layer of ice. He tried to focus, but the fear of that monster coming back distracted him.

He couldn't tell where exactly he was because everything around him was ice. His eyes fixed on the bones in a corner.

"Son of a-" Luke said and covered his mouth.

He reached out for his light-saber focusing all his attention on it. The weapon twitched and cracked the ice. he stopped going limp waiting for the monster to come back and kill him. There were no sounds after the sound of the ice.

He tried again to reach out for it and it flew to him within seconds. he ignited the weapon and melted the ice around his feet and fell on the ice floor with a thud. Standing up quickly he ran outside and back into the freezing cold air. It hit him in the face as hard as a slap and he almost fell back. He contemplated just staying in this spot and wait but there were two people trying to kill him on this planet. The man who had shot at Anakin and him and that giant monster who attacked them.

"QUI-GON?" he called, "if ever a time for guidance.... its now".

There was no response. He expected this of course. He knew that they were only there to help with Anakin and not to help them survive. Leia was here so who cared if he died.

The thought slipped his mind when he thought of Leia. She would be heartbroken. As heart broken as she was when she lost Allderaan or Han to the carbonate. His thoughts were interrupted by a loud roar that echoed through the mountains. The monster emerged from the snow with half of a person in their arms. Luke noted it looked like bounty hunter garb then about how this must have been for anakin. How could it be for him if he had been here 2 days and then on this planet for only weeks with no indication that he was here? Then he realized, maybe Palpatine had set a bounty on him.

The monster dragged the now lifeless body behind him and it trudged through the snow. While it was distracted, Luke lunged at it and swung his lightsaber hard at the beast. It threw the body away and tried a swing at Luke. He dodged three before he swung at the monster cutting of its hands. using the force, he pushed the creature back and bolted away.

Later, after he had been traveling for ages he saw a storms trooper. fear gripped through him as he approached cautiously.

"Who are you?" the man questioned.

"I uh... um" Luke stuttered his hand moving to his lightsaber.

"Identify yourself" the storm trooper said.

"Luke Sky... Solo" Luke said, "Luke Solo".

"Ah just the man we've been looking for" he said, "Come with me. Your sister and General Kenobi are waiting for you".

Not Anakin?

Luke followed along silently. he still kept his hand by his belt waiting for something. Something he knew he should fear.

'execute Order 66'

He shook the thought out of his head when he saw the ship. it looked imperial but it must have been the style of the old republic.

The Trooper led him inside and pointed in some direction.

"General i have found the boy you're looking for. hes back at the ship" static

"Very well have him checked out for injuries and take him to his sister" static again

"Shes in that room with anakin. I suggest getting warm but i'm not a medic" The trooper took of his helmet and nodded, "Cody sir. nice to meet you".

Luke nodded stunned and turned to walk away. Leia had him in a hug before he could even say anything.

"Don't you ever do that again" she said and punched him in the arm.

"Ow" Luke complained rubbing his arm.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP GETTING LOST IN SNOW" She yelled and continued her scolding until Obi-Wan got back with Anakin.

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