8- His Voice Means To Deceive You

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Luke waited at the beginning of the hall watching as people walked by him. He knew by the way they walked they were important people. At the end of the hall, he saw his father walking toward him. He smiled and stopped when he was in front of him.

"I was wondering if I could join you in your talk with the Chancellor, Anakin," Luke said.

"Of course. He was very impressed with you" Anakin said, "The Jedi aren't ones for politics. I feel you and I will be good friends".

Luke scowled a bit but smiled, "My sister is a politician. of course i may be a bit biased".

"Still it's a nice surprise," Anakin said, shrugging slightly.

"Well I'm glad to be accepted," Luke said.

"Speaking of which, where is your sister?" Anakin asked, looking around.

"She's training in the temple" Luke said, "I had told you we were from the future and the truth is... she's still an apprentice".

"Oh well I hope she doesn't get too intimidated. The people who train are rather good" Anakin said, "Best not keep the Chancellor waiting".

Luke nodded and started walking with Anakin to the chancellor's quarters.


Leia ignited her light-saber feeling exposed as she started to train. A training droid shot at her and trained her reflexes. She dodged each one or deflected it.

She tried and failed to use the force to push back the droid with no success. She still needed that practice.

Obi-Wan came around the corner walking over to her.

"Hello master," she said, stopping.

"You have good reflexes but they alone won't save you" Obi-Wan said.

"I'm used to using a blaster," Leia said sheepishly, "i... I just started using the lightsaber".

"You are untrained?" Obiwan asked.

"No, I'm just not good. My brother has been teaching me for months now" Leia said.

"You are strong with the force. I'm sure you'll get there," He said.

"Thank you master," she said.

"I spoke to Anakin after the briefing of the outer rim and told him about your situation. He left to see the Chancellor after" Obi-Wan said.

"My brother probably went with him," Leia said.

There was silence.

"I know there is something you are not telling. Please get it off your chest" Obi-Wan said.

"Another time," Leia said.

"Well may I join in your training?" he asked, "I can teach you a thing or two".

"Yes, that would be helpful," Leia said, lighting up.

"Very well," Obi-Wan said and took off his cloak.


"Hello Chancellor," Anakin said and bowed.

Luke followed suit feeling that sick feeling again. The one that appeared when he faced the emperor for the first time and then when they were on the invisible hand. They stood straight as Palpatine turned.

"Ah hello my old friend" he said, smiling, the wrinkles on his face stretching, "How are you? Oh i'm sorry i hardly noticed your new friend, I never got your name".

"Luke Solo," Luke said.

"Anakin, come over with me will you?" Palpatine said.

Anakin obliged and walked over eagerly. This was it. This was how it had happened. Palpatine had gained Anakin's trust then turned him against his friends, family and the Jedi.

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