16- If I Ever Were To Lose You

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'Leia' Luke said, 'don't be scared to fight with your lightsaber and be wary of the clones'

Leias eyes darted to look out the window. Obi-Wan was next to her meditating. She sighed quietly and waved her hand over the hologram of planets.

"Don't be intimidated by the outer rim. The inhabitants are quite pleasant" Obi-Wan said.

"Its not the people I'm worried about" she said still staring out.

"You're good in keeping your emotions internal. Please tell me what troubling you" Obi-Wan said.

Leia turned and his eyes were open this time. Leia turned her seat and pulled her legs to a cross-legged position.

"My brother" Leia said, "not that I'm worried because I know he can handle himself. It's just that... if I were to loose him".

Leias voice drifted and she looked out at the stars.

"Attachments are forbidden in the Jedi" Obi-Wan said and Leia looked up, "but... it's... it's the one rule I've never truly been able to follow".

"So you're attached to some people?" Leia asked and paused, "it doesn't bother you?".

Obi-Wan gave a short shrug and smiled lightly.

"When I was a Padawan... my master was murdered by a sith lord and because I was a Jedi I had no time to grieve. Then I was given a responsibility. Your father, Anakin and he was a hand full" Obi-Wan said and Leia smiled, "he progressed at a fast level but I was always in a state of panic. Questions I had never even had flooded my mind and I was scared for him. I made him food one time and he got sick. I never made it again. I woke up in a cold sweat when he wasn't with me. When he was constructing his own lightsaber. His first. I thought 'Anakin doesn't know how to swim'. He lived on a sand wasteland for his whole life. When he left his mother he would sleep on my bedroom floor because he didn't want me to leave him. I could never imagine leaving him. I didn't want a Padawan at that point in my life, but he is one of my proudest achievements".

Leia processes this for a second. She didn't even know what to say.

"I may seem annoyed with him most of the time. I don't mean to get onto him all the time. I am annoyed with him because he can be compulsive and do things without even thinking. He's a different type of Jedi and yet I cannot seem to have him in the same views as the council" Obi-Wan continued, "Anakin Skywalker is my brother and I love him. If anything were to happen to him... I don't know what I'd do. i feel like more of a father to that boy. The only father and kindness he's ever really known. I want to be a better friend, brother, father, whatever. Growing up as a Jedi with the code... well it's a bit hard".

Leia kept her expression sympathetic. she listened intently as he spoke. Each word he said conflicted him.

"I knew Ben Kenobi before I was a rebel and a general. When i was still a young princess on Alderaan. With my loving parents" Leia said shaking her head, "I was kidnapped because the empire wanted you dead. Or rather one who wanted you dead because of how powerful you were. So they used me to get to you and it worked, but obviously I'm here so... thank you for that".

"I'm glad I could help you" Obi-Wan said. "I hope I can help you again".

"Hopefully, my brother and I will be able to stop whatever happens. So that doesn't happen" Leia said, "because I'd rather know you like this than know you then".

"What do you mean?" Obi-Wan asked rubbing his chin.

"I'll tell you later. Perhaps after all of this" Leia said.

Obi-Wan nodded and looked over to the right, "let's go over the plan with grievous".

Leia nodded.

Short but sweet
Happy reading.

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