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"If I should stay, I would only be in my way

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"If I should stay, I would only be in my way....
So I'll go but I know , I'll think of you every step of the way .
And I will always love you! I will always love you..."

_ I will always love you(Whitney Houston)

Spring time, March......

"Sit down and tell me in detail what happened!" Andy sat down on the couch , clutching her forehead. She gestured Jungkook to sit down.

"She's gone!" He uttered , tears trailing down his face as he held out the note written by Y/N.

Suddenly, his phone rung and he hastily took it out of his pocket.

"Hello?" He sniffled as he mumbled through the phone .

"I found the details! We can perform the ritual tomorrow, it's the last silver moon of the decade and will come back after ten years so it's tomorrow or never! I'm already on my way back and I need you to start the preparations immediately-" he was speaking but Jungkook was unable to process this new information.

His mind was already struggling with the previous shock that the news brought him no excitement at all.

"Namjoon! Y/N went away to Jimin! She left us so that he can stop the snow..." Jungkook told him, making him speechless, "we need to find her Namjoon!"

"We'll settle for someone else in place of Y/N, right now we don't have time ! Jimin might also be able to stop the ritual so it's better if Y/N keeps him busy..." Namjoon explained.

"What?!" Jungkook asked in a surprise , "he'll use her and harm her, I'm going to find her first!"

"Jeongguk! Listen up... we can look for Y/N later but silver moon is going to come after ten years! Your sister may not live until then... we need to do things in order! First comes the ritual and after that we'll help you look for Y/N! Besides Jimin won't stop the ritual if he has Y/N.. he'll have no time to do it because he had promised in the darkness , if he breaks his promise, he'll die!" Namjoon was still firm on his stand.

"But the silver moon is tomorrow and he needs Y/N's soul! He'll harm her, he'll maybe kill her!" Jungkook exclaimed in a panic.

"He cannot kill her tomorrow! I'm sure about that... the spell that he's trying to perform is of him as immortal being, and no other spell other than that can be performed tomorrow so he cannot kill Y/N.." he tried to assure Jungkook, "he'll only work on his own spell! The spell that he may perform on Y/N would be to take the power of her light ! That can only be performed on full moon.., so we can save Y/N afterwards! Don't worry, I'll help you..."

"Right..."  Jungkook mumbled lowly.

"I'm sending you the details of the ritual! Get the things prepared..." Namjoon said and hung up.

Jungkook sat down on the couch, pressing his fingers against his forehead in silence. He pressed his eyelids together tightly and sighed.

"Does he know anything?" Suga asked anxiously.

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