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"No better you than you that you are!No better life than the life we're living

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"No better you than you that you are!
No better life than the life we're living..
No better time for your shine , you're a star... oh you're beautiful! You're beautiful!
There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark......"

_ Scars to your beautiful(Alessia Cara)

Autumn time, October....

Freedom was hastily awaited in that time period of Y/N's life . She'll never forget the how badly she wanted to escape . Especially when , she was going through what she never deserved .

Y/N wasn't the type of girl to complain about anything . She believed that hardships were in fate , and if we go through them with patience , we'll be rewarded with something even better.

Since she had learnt to calm down a little at that place, Jimin would often leave the door open . She knew she couldn't escape but she can learn the paths that lead to escape , it could be helpful later .

She wandered around the place , bare feet as always , she went to the kitchen place . She poured some water in a glass and took a few sips.

The door of the balcony was open a little. She peeked through it and found Jimin standing against the railing .

He was sucking on a cigarette , smoke trailing randomly in the air from it's other end. It was already night so she were able to see clearly .

Her heart pitied him even in that state. Only if had thought more wisely , had better plans, better heart, he would've been living happily and contended .

She knew what his end was going to be. She could imagine him screaming, throwing things in a state of madness, desperation and the most painful feeling: regret.

The girl's kind heart was still feeling heavy on the thought of a person suffering later.

He would definitely hate his end! He'll regret being in darkness which will never help him in anyway...

Just then, she saw him walking towards the door. She backed off, cutting off her thoughts and heading back to her bedroom.

Just after that , Jimin entered . He wasn't smiling or looking aggressive, rather looked a bit dizzy by the effect of smoking .

He stumbled forward and sat down in a chair . He cleared his throat and threw his head back.

"Do you know which skill of mine I like the most?" He asked , eyes slightly open.

Y/N glanced at him , "torturing people?"

Jimin chuckled, "I only torture people when they don't listen to me!"

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