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Jungkook rolls his eyes

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Jungkook rolls his eyes. 

"Don't be like that. I don't fall for strangers. She's... attractive, okay?" Jungkook says, holding his hands out as if that makes his point correct. 

The younger girl snorts, not buying a single second of that. "Yeah right. You were staring at the wall for five minutes repeating 'Amira' like a mantra. I think you're in love." 

"Yuri," he sharply says, making it sound more like a warning. "I have training in four different martial arts, don't make me-" 

"Kick your ass. It'd be a miracle if we could go a day without you bringing that up," she replies dismissively, coming over and taking his plate away from him.

"I can wash my own dishes y'know." 

"Not well. Even when you put them in the dishwasher they somehow end up still dirty," she says, shooting him a teasing grin before heading over to the kitchen sink. 

Jungkook huffs and watches in dismay, making sure to be alert in case something happens. What could possibly happen? Oh yeah, she could trip and fall, she could accidentally drop the plate, walk into something sharp, drop the plate then trip and fall onto the shattered pieces of it. The possibilities are endless.

"I'm not gonna die in the ten seconds it takes me to put your plate in the dishwasher," she says, sensing his thoughts even with her back turned. 

He mumbles a curse, making sure he says it low enough that she can't hear it. "You never know with you. You literally dislocated your shoulder running into a wall." 

"Okay I thought my toast was burning. Priorities." 

"I hate that I can't disagree," he mutters, running a hand through his black locks. 

His tattoos are on perfect display thanks to his white t-shirt. Normally he has to hide them; it's looked down upon to have them showing in professional environments. Although times have changed, it's often looked down upon to have tattoos showing in public in general, not only in formal settings. Does Jungkook care? Well... yeah, okay, a little. But he tries not to. What's the point of having tattoos if no one ever sees them?

His phone rings, bringing him out of his thoughts. He jumps, whipping the thing out and answering without even looking at the contact. "Amira?" he asks. 

"Sorry to disappoint," his boss's voice replies, "but we got a problem." Jungkook almost groans. Not at the problem part, at the fact it's not Amira he's talking to right now. Beautiful Amira with her long locks and curious eyes. 

"How big and how can I help?" he asks instead of grumbling a stream of curses.

"We need someone to come work the nightshift tonight. June called off."

Fucking June always calls off, but normally Jin is the one who fills in for him. Jin always takes the bullet for Jungkook, insisting that he's the oldest so he should do the hardest work. Jungkook appreciates it. 

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