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Two Weeks Later

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Two Weeks Later

After going on three dates with Jungkook over the past two weeks, you're starting to get the sense that you more than just like him. Something about him is that he makes everything fun. Stupid walks in the park aren't walks in the park: they're experiences. Memories you'll never forget.

While in the park, he picked a bunch of flowers along the way. Of course, being the nosy bastard you are, you constantly asked him what he was doing. Each time he replied with 'nothing' and moved on. By the end of the date, he had a whole bouquet picked and he gave them to you. 

Not only does he have good, creative, romantic ideas, but he's also really entertaining. His bunny smile can light up an entire room. You're not saying that to sound cliché, but it's only the truth. He has this charm that draws everyone in, even though he's actually pretty introverted. He's always wanted a more extroverted girl so she can make him adventurous. You like to think that although you're not a huge extrovert in the sense that you go out a lot, you're still an extrovert in the sense where you like being out and trying new things. Jungkook seems to admire that about you.

"You know, washing the dishes normally doesn't take this long," a male voice intrudes. 

You jump, turning to see Tae leaning against the entrance to the kitchen. "I get lost in my thoughts more than you get lost in Jimin's eyes," you say, "you should expect this by now." 

"Thinking of the bunny boy again?" he asks, completely disregarding how you exposed his adoration of Jimin. 

"And if I am?"

Tae snorts and heads inside the room, stopping once he's next to you and helping with the dishes. "It's not like I can stop you," he answers, getting to work with scrubbing the dirty dishes.

Jungkook and Yuri moved out when they said they would. Their parents are gone without a trace, but they left a note for them claiming that if they leave without notice again, their parents will do something about it. Jungkook and Yuri aren't sure what, but they're both scared shitless.

"I hate dishwashers," you mumble, kicking the dishwashing machine that never works.

"You'd think they'd send us to a place with a working dishwasher." 

"Does any place have a working dishwasher?" 

Tae sighs. "Fair point." 

Living with Jungkook was pretty fun. The two of you watched movies together since he wanted to 'educate you' on Korean culture and immerse you more in the language. For the most part, living with him was amazing. Except for one thing: it was always so difficult calling Tae and Jimin Hans and Jae all the time. 

Hiding their real identities is a pain in the ass. That's why you don't explore much. Not even because they have to follow you everywhere, but because you have to introduce them as Hans and Jae and yourself as Amira Winters.

Another thing: what if you slip up in front of Jungkook? Of course you really like him, but can you trust him yet? Can you really? Although your heart tells you yes, both of your bodyguards tell you not to trust anyone no matter what. You can't tell if they have trust issues, are doing their jobs really well, are overprotective of you, or all three. Your brain tells you it's a mix of all three.

"You know, we could go get ice cream if you want," Tae offers. 

"Ice cream? It's almost eight o'clock, I thought you didn't want me out at night?" 

Tae chuckles. "Jimin's taking a nap, it's mostly him who made the night rule. Something about not liking the idea of a woman going out at night, even if you're not alone." 

"Well, I can't really blame him. I don't like going out at night either. It always feels like I'm being watched."

Tae shuts off the water, gazing at you. You meet his eyes. "Is that what it's like walking at night? Terrifying?" he asks in a soft tone. 

"Very. I have the added pressure of being in the mafia and knowing that at any moment I could be kidnapped and used as leverage over my parents. The worst part is I know that if I got kidnapped, I'd be dead. My parents wouldn't bother coming for me. They didn't notice my years of struggles. The only thing they noticed were themselves and their little mafia. Honestly, the only reason why we haven't been found yet is because they probably haven't noticed I'm gone. I'm not even kidding. They probably think I went out of town to handle something personal.

"My life has been nothing but living in their shadow. Nothing but wondering why I wasn't worthy of my own parents' love. I think that's the worst part about it, Tae. For years I blamed myself, thought I was the problem. In reality, it was because I didn't want to face the truth: they don't love me. My own parents don't..." When he sees you cut yourself off, he places a hand over yours and pulls you closer.

"Y/n, you're the strongest woman I know, and I've protected and met a lot of woman before. More than I can count. I mean this from the bottom of my heart: you're special. You're special to Jimin and me; you're more than a mission. You're genuinely our friend because of your determination and compassion. There's no one I'd rather have by my side right now. No one. Please remember that. And I know you really like Jungkook and are getting close to him, but please come to Jimin and I first if you ever have any problems. Especially me. We're here for you. Always."

"Shit, you're making me cry, Kim," you say with a laugh, but it sounds more like a cough. 

He grins, pulling you into a tight hug that makes your tears spring free. You cling onto his back and try your best not to soak his shirt. It feels like all you've been doing is drifting. Staying in this house, going to work, waiting, and thinking. Waiting and thinking especially.

"I'm so glad you're my bodyguard," you whisper, unintentionally digging your nails into his back, "you're genuinely my friend. It's been a long, long time since I could say that about anyone. Maybe I've never even said it before. I don't know, all I know is that I don't want this witness protection program thing to be the only thing between us." He goes stiff at that, but you barely notice. You're too overwhelmed to feel the way his body shivers at your closeness. "Your grandma is so, so proud of you, Tae. She is."

It's his turn to tear up, his hands tightening their hold on you. "Thank you," he whispers.

"Don't thank me for telling the truth," you whisper back. 

His hand strokes the back of your hair, his body providing a warmth not many can provide. Tae is so much more than you thought he would be. Both him and Jimin are so much more. They really don't feel like bodyguards. You softly smile, nuzzling your head against his chest. That's because they're not your bodyguards. They're your best friends. 


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