The Gunshot

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Jungkook grunts as he falls inside, Jimin shutting the door behind him, more bullet holes forming seconds later. 

"We need to go! Now!" Jimin commands, helping Y/n and keeping her behind him. 

Tae helps Jungkook up. Jungkook's shoulder is oozing with blood. Jesus. He's been attacked before, but being shot hurts like hell. He's never screamed so loudly in his life.

Together, they run, Jungkook hobbling along until they reach the outside world. They go out the back when Jimin halts them. 

"I need to get some weapons. Tae, what do you have?" 

Tae takes his concealed pistol out, Jimin doing the same. Holy fuck, what the hell?! So this is serious serious. Jungkook wasn't sure if this was an elaborate prank or not, but that gunshot says otherwise, huh?

Jungkook groans while Y/n tries to help him, placing her hands over the wound in a poor attempt to stop the bleeding.

"I don't see an exit wound. Shit, we need to get the bullet out," Tae mumbles, briefly investigating Jungkook's state. 

"We have no time! We need to move!" Jimin calls, clicking off the safety to his weapon. He goes over and unlocks the gate, motioning for them to run. They do, and Jungkook makes sure to keep Y/n close.

"Where the fuck do we go?!" Jungkook yells. 

"Jimin, Y/n, and I will go somewhere private! You're going to a hospital!" Tae says. 

Jungkook hisses from the pain. "Are you serious?!"

"No offense, Jungkook, but you just randomly show up for the first time in a week and conveniently chaos follows. Sorry if I don't trust you!" 

If they weren't running, Jungkook would have slapped Tae for that comment. "They shot me!"

"I have to agree with Tae. They could've shot you to try and make you look innocent," Jimin says.

Oh great. This is great. He's being thrown under the bus for something he didn't do. Wonderful. He's bleeding and in immense pain, but he's getting blamed. Jungkook can't fault them for being cautious, sure, but at the same time, he's still gonna be pissed about it.

"Faster!" Taehyung shouts when more gunshots sound off. 

Tae grabs Y/n and keeps her right next to him, Jimin and Jungkook running in-step with one another. 

"You seriously don't trust me? I've seen Y/n on her best and worst days. If I wanted her dead or I was working with these people, don't you think I would've lured her to a private spot and let them have their way with her?!" Jungkook asks.

Y/n lets out a loud grunt. "We're not arguing right now! All of you, shut the fuck up!"

Silence falls over them, the four mentally agreeing to run until there are no more gunshots. Tae slips into an alley, the others panting as they follow. Tae leads the way, turning a corner as carefully as he can. 

"Corners are dangerous," he tells Y/n, "don't ever cross one carelessly. Same with doors." Y/n nods, Tae handing her a spare pistol. "Protect yourself if it comes down to it, okay?"

She agrees. Jimin and Jungkook look behind them, relieved to see no one there yet. Yet.

"Come on, there's an abandoned apartment up here," Tae says. "Jimin, help?" 

Jimin comes over and hoists Tae up, the younger man grabbing the ladder and sliding it down. Tae goes up first, Y/n following, then Jimin, then Jungkook (not a surprise). Jimin pauses to bring the ladder back up, securing it. 

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