Kim Taehyung

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Jungkook stands there with his eyes wide. Then, the action starts. He finds himself getting pushed out of the way by Yuri and ducking behind a huge container of what he assumes is cargo for planes. Y/n, like Yuri did to Jungkook, shoves Tae into cover. The two of them are hidden behind one container, grunting and hissing from the bullets flying past the wood protecting them. Jungkook blindly fires a few bullets and is surprised when he hears a couple yells of pain.

Tae does the same move, being careful to conserve ammo. They can take from the men they downed, but to do that, they need to scavenge their bodies. To scavenge their bodies, they need to get over to said bodies. How do they do that without getting shot in the head four times?

Jungkook glances at Tae, and the man is covered with tears. Jungkook can't help but think he's responsible for this. If they didn't go back for Yuri, would Jimin still be alive? Would they have made it to the airport ten minutes faster and saved a life? 

He shakes off the thoughts. Whether it's his fault or not, thinking like this right now will get them all killed. He needs to do what he can to make sure no one else dies. That would be his worst nightmare.

More gunshots. More bangs. Jungkook holds Yuri close even though his shoulder pains from the wound he took. He huffs and checks how many bullets he has left. Seven. Only seven left. He has to make them count. He knows Tae has a couple backup clips, but there's no way he'll give them to Jungkook of all people. He'll give them to Y/n, who's also fighting her hardest.

Jungkook takes out the kitchen knife he took earlier and hands it to Yuri, who stares at it like it's foreign. 

"Only if you have to. I don't want you taking lives," he explains in a hurry. He doesn't bother waiting to see if she agrees or not. 

Jungkook fires one more bullet, Tae doing the same before needing to reload. Okay, he does have extra clips. Jungkook gets a peek at how many. Two. Tae's putting one in now. One. One clip left. Six bullets left in Jungkook's weapon and who knows how many in Y/n's.

This is going to shit real fast.

Tae takes a risk and peeps up to see how many are left. He suffers for it. A shot rings out, and this one hits Tae in the shoulder. Jungkook feels his own shoulder wince at the sight. 

Y/n panics, firing off a few rounds to cover him as he jumps back behind the box. He pants and holds his injury with his free hand. Jungkook stares and stares. What the hell do they do? Jimin's not here, so they don't have their plan-maker.

"Jungkook," Yuri whispers, "there's only six left. Can we charge them?" 

Jungkook swallows his nerves. "Without Tae and Y/n? They wouldn't get it until we're already dead. We have to talk to them somehow." 

Yuri is quick to grab Jungkook's gun and shoot in their direction. Jungkook yelps watching the bullet bounce off the box. That definitely got their attention. The two whip around, Jungkook and Yuri both making the motion that there's six left. The two nod. Jungkook motions for them to attack. Right away, they do.

Without worrying about ammo, the group jumps out of cover in time to get a hail of bullets swarmed on them. Jungkook winces, firing on the remaining hostiles. Tae gets hit again, this time in the hip, but he fights it off. The element of surprise seems to work in their favor. Before they know it, the rest of the enemies are gone.

They reconvene near the plane and sprint toward it (for Tae, hobbling). Y/n helps him get onto the vehicle, Jungkook watching their rear to make sure no one else is coming. 

"When we get back, we get to Kim Namjoon," Tae explains, struggling to get up the stairs, "he's the one who sent you here, right?" 

Y/n nods. "Sure, but how did they find us? Isn't it a safe bet that Namjoon was the informant?" 

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