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One Week Later

"Is this really a good idea?" Jungkook asks. 

She shrugs. "Probably not, but do you have a better one?" 

"Fair enough," he mumbles, following her inside her house. 

Amira was kind enough to greet him at the door, but that doesn't make him feel much better. It's time to get interrogated. AKA: Hans and Jae are going to question the shit out of him. It's only been a week, sure, but ever since him and Amira got together, he hasn't seen Hans or Jae. Now he's seeing the best friends for the first time as Amira's boyfriend. Yikes.

She guides him to the kitchen, where Hans and Jae are sitting. They glance up when Jungkook enters the room. 

"So we all saw this coming," Hans says. "But that doesn't mean we won't give you the best friend talk." 

Jae eagerly nods in agreement. "You're not getting out of this, Jeon. Sit." 

With a reluctant half-groan he does, plopping down in front of the two boys while Amira watches from the doorway.

"If you hurt our girl," Jae starts. 

"We'll break all 206 bones in your body. Twice," Hans finishes with what Jungkook assumes is Hans' definition of a scary look. 

"Right," Jungkook slowly replies. "I wasn't planning on it, but nice to know my inner masochist and sadist will come out if I do." It's safe to say that comment shuts them right up. "We're adults, we'll be okay." He pauses to stand. "Did I satisfy the best friends?" 

Hans and Jae sit there, stunned into silence. Jungkook almost smirks. "I'll take that as a yes. See you later boys, I'm gonna watch a movie with my beautiful girlfriend," Jungkook says.

He saunters out of the kitchen, Amira following him. "You know you didn't have to tease them like that," she says. 

"Oh I know, but I wanted to," he replies with a snicker, going to her room that he's familiar with by now.

If he's being honest, he isn't here to watch a movie. Not at all. He wants her in more than one way, and tonight's the night. There's no where else for them to go. At his house, Yuri's already asleep, so he couldn't ask her to leave (and the teasing he'd endure if he did ask her would be horrible), and Amira didn't want to go to a hotel. So they opted for the house where at least the walls are thick and the other two occupants are adults.

Amira's quick to make sure that her door's locked before plopping down on the bed, staring up at him expectantly. "So... who starts first. You start first, I start first?" she asks with raised brows and pursed lips. And in that moment, Jungkook swears he's in love with her.

He laughs. "Not experienced?" 

"I have a few experiences, but normally not with lovers," she replies. "I didn't have time for it. Love, I mean. Relationships. I don't think I've ever had a real long-term relationship. It's always been hookups or casual things."

"All I took from that is I'm different." 

She softly smiles. "Yeah Jeon, you are. Now come here and prove just how special you are." 

He obeys.

Within the blink of an eye, he's pinning her to the bed, kissing her and playing with the buttons on her shirt almost desperately. Jungkook's careful, touching her and making sure she feels each vibration he gives her. He moans into the kiss, getting too caught up in the moment to care. When they part, he removes her shirt and almost passes out seeing the pure beauty beneath him.

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