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You sit on the bench, waiting for him

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

You sit on the bench, waiting for him. Jimin and Taehyung are standing far away, disguised in wigs, masks, and glasses, pretending to be doing their own thing when in reality they're watching you. That's one thing about this program that pisses you off. You can never go where you want to go anymore. It's not like you need permission from Jimin and Tae, but one of them needs to be with you at all times. Sometimes you even end up sleeping in their room when you feel scared. Such a childish thing, but the very idea that your parents will come for you makes you shiver in your own skin.

That's another thing: where are they? If they really, really wanted to find you, they would've by now. Unless they haven't even noticed you're gone yet, which is also a possibility as much as you hate to admit it. 

Why wouldn't they try and get you already? They're bloodthirsty people; that's why they're the top of the market. They do whatever they can to make sure they're not crossed. One of those ways is creating fear. One reason why it took you so long to go against them was because of that. Every single person who's ever crossed them has ended up dead. Every single one. So far, you're the only one who got away. As a result, you're terrified. So terrified that you act like a kid and sleep between Taehyung and Jimin most of the time. When you're away from them, it's like the fear gets even worse.

You glance up at Jimin and Tae - Jae and Hans - wondering how the hell they're so good at their job. They're attentive, sure, but what about in action? Is it bad that you kind of want to see them in action? Two hot men being protective over you? Hell yeah. Again, you're into Jungkook, but those two are so attractive it's unreal. 

Wait, Jungkook's a bodyguard too. How about all three of them fighting to protect you? You're an independent woman, but that doesn't mean that three hot men doing Taekwondo moves to protect your cute ass doesn't appeal to you.

A sigh passes your lips in time for your eyes to lock on Jungkook's form. He runs a hand through his hair and saunters over, sitting right next to you. "Why'd you call me here?" you ask right away, "is everything okay?" 

Out of no where, Jungkook called and asked if you could meet here as soon as possible. Something about an emergency. Now, here he is, sitting in front of you, somehow pale despite having naturally tan skin.

"I hate asking for help," he admits, "but I need it. I need more help now than I think I've ever needed in my life." 

You scoot closer, instinctively going for his hand. You entwine yours with his, Jungkook staring at you with wide eyes. "Then I'll help you. Whatever you need. Talk to me, Jeon. What's going on?" 


"Shh," you interrupt. "I want to help you. Let me."

Jungkook sucks in a deep breath before agreeing. "My parents are in town." 

Uh oh. You don't need to have a terrible home life to recognize the signs that someone else has one as well. Poor Jungkook. 

"Every year they come once, but not to be nice or friendly: to chastise us and watch our every move." 

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