Excitement flashed past my eyes. I gripped my podao as I rushed forward.


My podao struck heavily onto the Hun's scimitar. Watching the big and tall Hun stagger back, I curved the corners of my lips tauntingly. At the same time, I kicked my right foot heavily into the Hun's abdomen!

The Hun hunched over in pain. I pressed forward at once, raising my podao once again and swinging it down heavily.

Seeing this, the Hun had no choice but to raise his scimitar to block it. But his stance was unsteady due to the pain. Added with the heavy blow of my podao, the Hun took two steps back, losing his balance. He crashed heavily on the ground.

I approached with my blade raised again. I stepped on the Hun's scimitar, then stomped my other foot heavily on the Hun's chest. 

The big and tall Hun had not expected that a shorty like me could actually have so much strength. He could only hear something cracking in his body. Following the intense pain in his chest, something warm rose to his throat— fresh blood spurted out from his mouth.

I swung my blade down. Blood spewed and splattered, covering my face! After that, a round head with eyes bulging in bewilderment, rolled away to the side.

As the battle progressed, I shuttled back and forth between the flow of soldiers, podao in hand. Whenever I saw Huns who displayed the back of their heads to me, I would not hesitate to supply the swing of my blade.

At the same time, I kept my eyes open, doing my best not to reveal my back to the enemy.

An hour later, my clothes of coarse cloth were soaked in blood. The kingdom's outer flank of cavalry had started to draw in. Seeing that the enemy was beginning to surround them, the Huns who came aggressively chose to retreat at once.

I intended to pursue, but I stopped once I heard the change in tempo of the war drums.

The Huns were retreating. All of the kingdom soldiers who had survived pumped their weapons into the air as they yelled excitedly to the sky.

I stood still as I watched the Huns retreat into the distance. Suddenly, my knees buckled, and I sprawled onto the ground. 

Lying on the ground, it took a while before I registered a sharp, throbbing pain in my leg. I had not noticed that I was hurt.


"Buddy!" Jackson had been searching for Lisa's figure among the crowd once the battle ended, only to watch her collapse the moment he found her. 

Startled, he yelled and ran to her side at the speed of fire. He turned her around, holding her in his arms as he shouted anxiously, "Buddy, are you alright? Buddy! How are you feeling, where were you hurt?"

Lying in Jackson's arms, Lisa felt no strength in her body. Other than the steady pain coming from the wound on her leg, there was also a dull pulse of pain in her abdomen. Suddenly, Lisa felt something warm sludge out from between her legs.

Seeing that Lisa seemed to be quite alert, even if her complexion was somewhat paler than usual, Jackson let out a great breath. He started to look her up and down to see where she was hurt.

Presently, Lisa's face and body was full of bloodstains. Her clothes were also soaked through with blood. Jackson found a one-inch long wound on her thigh, and thought to himself: No wonder he fell over, his leg was hurt...

Suddenly, Jackson saw a dark red colour slowly spreading from between Lisa's legs. Stunned for a moment, Jackson reflexively shut his own legs together. His expression as he looked at Lisa changed! He cried internally: It's over, buddy has lost too much from this battle. He's the last of his family line now...

Jackson looked at Lisa's pale face, then he looked at her injury. His expression changed a few times, but he could not think of how to describe her condition in words. So, for the moment, all that he could do was to shut his mouth and say nothing.


 Author's note:

Here's the first 5 chapters.

It's not that Jackson is slow, it's just that they kind of grew up together, so he didn't think in that direction at all.

Mm~ This is Lisa's first period, what to do? Everyone, give her some ideas, eh?

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