Chapter Fifty-Nine: A New Bus

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Down at the sheds, Hayden was with Maverick and Henry, the former two listening to the LMS 'Black Five' and his story regarding him and Emily's marriage.

Emily used to work on the Great Northern Railway with Henry. Often times, when Henry would break down, Emily would come to help him. Once, a man said Emily would be better as a pumping engine than an actual locomotive. This enraged Henry, who doused the man in steam, and refused to take his next train to comfort Emily. Naturally, being around each other all the time, they fell in love. A Vicar officiated their marriage in their engine shed with their crews as witnesses.

"And ever since that day, we've been a happy couple. Of course we bicker every now and then, but that's what happens in a relationship." Henry finished his story, the silver King Class locomotive and Class 52.

"Have to say, that is quite a story." Maverick now said.

"Yeah, that is impressive." Hayden agreed. "You are a lucky engine to have someone like Emily, Henry."

"Aye, I am very fortunate to have found a lovely woman like Emily." Henry commented back.

"If only I was so fortunate..." Maverick now said as he looks down at his buffer beam.

"Maybe you'll get the chance soon enough." Henry reassured to the Class 52 diesel, Maverick showing a small smile back.

A yard foreman now walked up. "Maverick, you're needed to take the next express. Gordon's reverser has jammed, and is ironically, stuck in reverse. He won't be able to take the next train. You're the only engine that is available." He informed.

"Sure. No problem." Maverick got his engine rumbling to life. "Sorry, fellas. I've got to go." With that, he rolls away to head to the station.

"Maverick must be so happy to be back in motion." Henry now said to Hayden.

"Definitely. After everything he's been through ever since he got withdrawn and caught by the D.G.S.S.E., Maverick deserves his newfound freedom." Hayden replied to him.

Just then, Henry could see Bertie the Bus driving by, though he looks to be in a hurry of sorts. "Huh. Wonder what has gotten Bertie in such a hurry." He wondered.

"Maybe he has heard something from his bus depot officer. Maybe that's why he's even rushing about for." Hayden guesses to the green 'Black Five'.

"Well, whatever is going on, let's hope it won't put a dent into Bertie's radiator." Henry said. He and the others got along very well with Bertie and it would be a shame if he were to be taken out of service or worse...

Speaking of Bertie, he was driving through the streets, heading forth to the nearby rail yards to try and find Thomas to talk about the news he heard from his depot manager. As he drove along, he eventually found Thomas talking to Jane, who'd been loaned from the J.R to assist the tank engines.

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