Chapter Thirty-Eight: Lady's First Christmas [Pt-4]

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Further up the line, Lady was now trembling in the snowdrift that she was stuck in. She was trembling from both of the cold and from the fear of Diesel 10 destroying Thomas and Percy. She listened hard, hoping to hear the two engines whistling cheerfully and laugh cheekily, as they often did. The only sound she could hear was the wind blowing through the snow-laden trees either side of the line.

Lady now closed her eyes, letting off a small sob. She had been hoping to come to the Island of Sodor to enjoy the magic of Christmas and also be reunited with the engine she loved. She had not expected to see her old enemy again, and the love of her life to risk his life to save her for a second time. She had not seen Thomas or Percy since Diesel 10 had left her, and she did not know if she would ever see them, again. The thought of them being destroyed broke Lady's heart.

Lady was about to start to cry, when she suddenly heard Percy's whistle echoing out through the wind. Gasping, feeling very delighted to hear it, Lady opened her teary eyes to see the little, green engine reversing back up the line. Her eyes followed him as he reversed towards her, and as he came closer, Lady's eyes now widened in happiness to see that Thomas was coupled in front of Percy, reversing alongside with him.

As a huge smile appeared on Lady's face, she looked at the two engines in delight as they stopped beside her. "Thomas! Percy! You're back! You're okay!" She cried in happiness.

"Yeah, and Diesel 10 won't be back." Percy giggled.

"He is certainly not okay." Thomas chuckled, winking at Lady. "He managed to get himself buried under an avalanche. He won't be hurting you or any other steam engine for a long time."

Lady smiled at Thomas in relief. "I'm so happy to hear that, and I'm very relieved that he hasn't hurt you. Thanks for saving me, again, Thomas." She said happily.

"It's okay, Lady. Now, Percy and I will help pull you out of this snowdrift." Thomas smiled back.

Thomas and Percy backed up until they passed a set of points that would switch them from their line to Lady's. They crossed the points and were soon puffing up towards Lady. Thomas gently buffered up to her, coupling up to her. He and Percy started to puff hard, their wheels spinning backwards, as they pulled Lady out of the snowdrift.

"Thank you, you two." Lady sighed in relief, letting off a cloud of steam. "I had never seen snow before coming here this evening. I think it looks really pretty, but I didn't know it could get me stuck."

"Oh, trust me, Lady." Thomas remarked. "I have a bad history of getting stuck in snow, countless times. That's why Sir Topham always reminds us to wear our snowplows when we go out in snow."

Lady was now confused. "Then how come you aren't wearing a snowplow, Thomas?" She quizzed.

"Because Thomas hates wearing his snowplow!" Percy replied, unable to stop laughing loudly. "So he never wears it, but he always gets stuck! Yet, he never learns and will still avoid trying to wear it!"

Thomas now made a face. "Well, enough talking about stupid snowplows. Let's go back to the station and enjoy the party."

The three engines all blew their whistles together, and they started to reverse back up the line towards the station where the Sodor Christmas party was being held.


Darkness soon fell, and the snow was falling at a much heavier rate, but the party was still going on down at Tidmouth Station. The music being played over the speakers much louder than before, and the Christmas lights that hung from the station buildings looked even brighter in the darkness of the night. The children were inside the station building, enjoying a Christmas buffet.

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