Chaoter 30 - parting ways for a while and tea with an old friend

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"Oh, it is nothing. I merely want to spend some time with my old friend. Say, how have you been these years?", Ping asks her.

"Quite alright. I live each life I have to the fullest, doing whatever I can to make my life memorable, if possible not only for me, but for those around me as well.", Lyra answers as she takes another sip of her tea.

"How long do you plan to stay in Liyue?" – "for as long as Aether wants to stay in Mondstadt. I feel very content on catching up with old friends right now, and I wouldn't mind to have as much time as possible. Of course, while I am here, I will be looking into ways to get into Inazuma."

As the two adepti catch up, a girl, clad in red runs over to them. "Granny! You said you wanted to spend some time together?", she says as she comes to a stop at Ping's table.

"Oh? I've never seen you around here before. Are you perhaps one of granny's adepti friends?", the girl asks Lyra.

Before she could answer, the girl speaks up again. "Never mind. You look far too young to be an adepti friend of hers."

"if you would let me answer your question, I'd gladly tell you.", Lyra cuts her off. "Ah, apologies.", the girl says, embarrassed.

"Oh, Yanfei. Full of energy as usual.", Ping chuckles. "Streetward Rambler, do you want me to explain everything to her?", Lyra asks.

"No need for all the information, Liliang.", Ping answers to which Lyra nods.

"very well. Anyway, my name is Lyra. However, the adepti know me as Liliang, the mother of Ganyu. Long story short, I got reincarnated, but kept all of my past memories as well as most of my powers."

The girl's eyes widen. "Oh, you are the Adeptus Cloud dancer! Anyway, I am Yanfei, a legal adviser. As you know, Liyue is the city of contracts. As such-" – "there are more laws than most common folk can remember, I know. Legal advisers, such as you, are very sought after, especially because the laws here are ever changing. I know a lot about Liyue's laws, no need to explain."

Yanfei blinks at her. "Huh... anyways... you said your name is Lyra now, right? Well, there are rumours all around a traveller whose name is 'Lyra'- that's you right? Anyway, I heard you have two travelling companions with whom you want to travel around all nations, is that right?", she asks.

"it is.", Lyra confirms. "well then, I looked into the laws of other nations as well, so if ever have trouble with the law, don't be afraid to contact me! Here, my business card.", Yanfei says as she hands Lyra the card.

"Thank you, Yanfei. I will keep this in mind.", she says as she puts the card away.

"Now that you are done with your business recommendations, sit down and share some tea with your old lady. After all, it is the reason I asked for you to come. I wanted you two to meet, as I am certain that you will get along splendidly." Yanfei does as Ping asks and sits down on one of the free chairs.

"So, Lyra. While I did hear of you as Liliang, I don't know that much about you. As an adeptus, you must have a specialty, right? Like for example, the conqueror of demons being specialised on the battlefield, while Cloud retainer is an inventor. Granny told me she used to be specialised in music, but she never told me that much about you personally, only of your accomplishments.", Yanfei says.

"oh, did she now? Well, of all adepti of Liyue, I am the one who knows most about the adeptal arts. You see, back then, I used to be older than even Rex lapis himself. In fact, I used to be his mentor and when he became a god, I was his very first subordinate. Besides adeptal arts, my specialty lies in the art of dance, hence why my Adepti name was Cloud dancer. From what I know, some of my old dances became the centre of traditional dancing of Liyue, even influencing dances of Liyue operas. Other than that... due to being Rex's first subordinate and his right-hand woman, I also know a great deal of the old laws of Liyue and also the traditional way of building laws. I am fairly certain that looking into the way laws are made in the first place will be something that could help you discern some of the most complex laws out there. But I believe you wont need that.", Lyra tells her.

For a moment of silence, Lyra continues to drink her tea. "Please. Teach me your ways with the law.", Yanfei finally states.

Lyra snickers in a tone Ping recognises from when she was the Tianquan. "Oh, I am open to teach you. However, the only thing stopping me currently are two things: do you have the time to learn and... do you have what it takes to make it through my teaching?", Lyra asks her, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Ping laughs out at this. "Oh, look at you. Mentoring another in the arts of the law. I wonder what Lady Ningguang would say of having Yanfei as a co-mentee of hers.", she laughs.

"wait, you mentored the Tianquan??", Yanfei exclaims. "Only mentored little Ningguang? I was her predecessor, Tianquan Azure. So, I know a lot about the way of the law."

Yanfei is stunned to silence. "Teach me.", she finally says.


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