Chapter 19 - Nuctilucous jade and the finest silk flowers for the geo lord

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"I'll take them all, boss.", he announces. "oh, you act with such panache, good sir! I always knew you were not a man of ordinary calibre!", the seller exclaims. "Wait, wait! Boss, that one didn't count! We need to discuss it again!", Paimon exclaims. Aether and Paimon pull Zhongli away from the stand to discuss the price. Lyra shakes her head.

"so, miss, are you the one finalising the goods?", the seller asks her. "oh, yes I am. Just let me think for myself a little, please." – "of course." 'so... Zhongli was never one to care about mora. As Rex Lapis, he really didn't need to care as he was the one making it. Now that I think about it... it's the gnosis that made him able to make mora, right? Perhaps that is why he is trying to limit himself as he does not have his gnosis anymore! But he is failing at it miserably.'

Lyra shakes her head and looks at the seller. "may I have a closer look at the Jade?", she asks. "of course, of course! Whatever helps you decide!", the seller answers, pointing to the table. As Lyra approaches the table, the others come back to her. "huh? What are you doing, Lyra?", Paimon asks.

"let her do her thing. She is quite the expert when it comes to quality checking of any kind. Now that I think about it, I believe she wanted us to decide to see what we would do. let her have the final choice. While our way of determining which Jade to take is risky, she will have no problem determining which one to take.", Zhongli explains to the other two.

Lyra looks at the seller from the corner of her eyes, then back at the Jade. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. 'I call upon the fourteenth, Azure.' She opens her eyes, and they glow golden. This is a special ability that she had as Azure, which she called 'golden quality'.

This ability is like a filter, very similar to elemental sight. Any object that is good quality, will look bronze-like to her while anything of top/premium quality will look golden to her. She looks between the jades and smiles at one. She closes her eyes once more and they return back to normal.

"we will have this one please." She points at the third Noctilucous Jade. "No problem. If you have your eye on this one, you can have it." – "Then we'll take a box of the third type of jade, as the lady chose.", Zhongli says, smirking at Lyra. Lyra chuckles at this. "thank you, good sir.", she teases back.

"Done! All the same... Pardon me for asking, but I'm curious. Whatever do you need this much top-quality Noctilucous Jade for?", the seller asks as he gives Lyra the box of jade. "hmm, I suppose it would not hurt to tell you. We need them to make implements for the Rite of Parting.", Zhongli answers.

"Parting?! Oh dear... I'd heard the rumours but hadn't given much thought to them. This... this means that Rex Lapis really is... it's hard to believe. Even though the Jade Mystery has been in decline, we have always been in his protection. It is said that when our Lord lost his way while going incognito in the city two hundred years ago, it was a spoon from the Jade Mystery that he used to sample the local delights. Alas, alas, all things must pass... well, if this is to be used to say farewell to Rex Lapis, then I shall sell this to you at half the price.", the seller announces.

"Are you sure? You didn't wanna even give us an inch before...", Paimon asks carefully. "if not for our Lord's protection, this city wouldn't exist as it does now. No proprietor could earn money off such a thing.", the seller answers while shaking his head. "aww... I'm sure Rex Lapis will feel your sentiment, boss.", Paimon says.

"in the safe hands of the Liyue Qixing and good, honest merchants such as yourself, I, for one believe that Liyue will continue to prosper as it always has done.", Lyra says while giving the seller a smile. "I couldn't have said it better myself.", Zhongli says. "So let's not get ourselves down just yet.", Aether adds.

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