Macau Tay - Chapter 21: Part 2

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"I love you, Tay. I've fucking loved you for a long time." Hearing Macau say that he loved me set my heart aflame. I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt so happy. I'd thought admitting my feelings to anyone would give that person more power over me, but instead I felt freer than I had in a long time. I'd fought my emotions for so long, had held myself back for no good reason. Now that I'd said everything that needed to be said I felt relieved. Maybe all this had started as something that had been forced upon me, but today, this life, Macau, my marriage, were my choices, and I said yes to all of them. Macau's kiss was demanding. There was no restraint, no sign that not too long ago he'd been unconscious. I knew it was stupid, but I wanted to feel him, wanted to show him with more than just words that I loved him. I pulled back and let my eyes wander down Macau's body. He was dressed in only a tight white shirt and boxer shorts that did little to hide his erection. When I looked back up into his face, his gaze was transparent with lust. I'd never listened to other people's advice, so why should I start now? Macau wouldn't overexert himself. I would take care of him. I knelt on the bed, and gripped his waistband. Macau smiled his shark-smile. "I thought you didn't want to risk my health." "Oh shut up," I said quietly. "Or do you want me to stop?" "No. Don't stop." He made himself comfortable against the array of pillows. I smiled as I pulled down his boxer shorts, revealing his hard length. I moved between his legs so I could watch him while I sucked his cock. I cupped his balls, gently massaging them, but I didn't touch his shaft yet. Instead I watched it twitch and grow even harder under my ministrations. "You tease," Macau growled. "I thought you wouldn't torture me today." He was right. 

This wasn't about me. I leaned forward and ran my tongue all the way from his balls up to the top, then swirled it around his tip before sucking him into my mouth. I took inch after inch of him in until he hit the back of my throat before I let him slide out again. Macau watched me through half-lidded eyes. He gently pulled my hair back, which always got in the way, and stroked my cheeks as I licked and sucked his tip, knowing that it was where he was most sensitive. I traced the tip of my tongue along the ridge of his tip slowly. Macau's breathing quickened, his abs tightened but he didn't take his eyes off me or stopped touching my face. It felt like he was revering me while I was revering him. I sucked a bit harder, feeling him getting closer. His fingers against my scalp tightened occasionally and he released a harsh breath every time my teeth scraped him lightly. He started pumping his hips, pushing his length deeper into my mouth and I let him. I was growing wet and the pressure between my legs had mounted to almost unbearable proportions but I was determined to ignore my own needs for today. Macau's motions grew frantic. I clamped my lips tightly around his cock as he thrust into me over and over again. "I'm coming," he rasped. I didn't pull back. Instead I cupped his balls tightly and met his gaze. The muscles in his shoulders flexed and his body seized up with his orgasm. Eventually he stilled. I pulled back and wiped my mouth with a self-satisfied grin. Macau chuckled, a low sound from deep in chest. He reached for my shoulders and pulled me on top of him, claiming my mouth in a firm kiss. His hands glided down my back to cup my butt and squeezed. My core tightened with arousal. Before I could make up my mind, if I should allow Macau to exert himself even more, a knock sounded. I tensed, my eyes darting toward the door, which was already opening.

Vegas stood in the doorway, his gaze taking everything in without an expression. It wasn't hard to guess what we'd done. After all, I was lying on top of a bottomless Macau who was groping my butt. My face flamed with embarrassment. "You really shouldn't barge into someone's bedroom like that," Macau said in amusement. He didn't look embarrassed at all, but after everything I knew about him that didn't surprise me anymore. I stayed exactly the way I was, even though Macau wouldn't have cared if I'd moved away and bared his cock to his brother. "You should be resting," Vegas said dryly, gray eyes piercing me with an unreadable look. Was he angry? It was hard to tell. Recently he'd always been pissed around me. Not that his presence made me much happier. Macau gave my butt a firm pat, his grin turning annoyingly smug. "I feel very well rested." Vegas shook his head. "I give up," he said. "You two do whatever you want. I don't even want to know what's going on or not going on." He turned around and closed the door behind him. I pushed away from Macau and slid off the bed, trying my best to straighten my wrinkled clothes, but now there were also stains on them. They were an absolute mess. "Hey, I thought we weren't done yet. I didn't even get to touch your hole." "And you won't. Vegas was right. You should rest. You've had enough excitement for the day," I said sternly. Macau was already growing hard again and he didn't bother to hide it. I huffed. "I'm going to change and clean up, and then return with something to eat for you. In the meantime, please pull your mind out of the gutter." Macau winked. I stifled a smile and slipped out of the room. 

Pete and Vegas were in the dining area, talking in hushed voices. Of course, I knew exactly what they were discussing. Pete noticed me first and fell silent. After a couple of seconds of silent scrutiny, he smiled brightly at me. Vegas didn't share his enthusiasm though. I ignored him. "Could you give me some of your clothes? I really need to change and shower." Vegas raised his eyebrows. "Do you need to make yourself presentable so you can leave?" I met his gaze. "I'm not leaving. Not ever again." Pete was practically bouncing when he stepped up to me and linked our arms. "We'll see," Vegas said simply. Pete shot him a glare before he led me upstairs toward their dressing room. "Don't listen to him. He's protective of Macau," Pete murmured. He pulled jeans and a long-sleeved shirt from his drawers and handed them to me. Vegas's protectiveness of Pete and Macau was one of the few things I liked about him. "I know. I haven't given him any reason to trust me with his brother." Pete watched me curiously as I undressed. "So will you move back into Macau's apartment?" I paused on my way to the bathroom. It wasn't as if I had already settled somewhere else. I hadn't even started considering where to live after I'd moved out. "Yes. I will move back in and be his husband. Probably not a good husband, but it's not like Macau didn't know that when he married me." 

"Macau doesn't expect you to be a perfect husband. He likes you for who you are, flaws and all." It was the truth, even if I'd been blind to it for so long. I stepped into the shower but didn't immediately turn the water on. Pete sank down on the edge of the bathtub. "Are you sure you can do the same? Accept all of him, even the bad?" There was plenty of bad in Macau, in every Made Man really, but I'd come to realize that there was in me as well. Maybe not as much, but it was there. It was in all of us. I'd tried to become someone else, some kind of ideal I'd thought I needed to be, but that had never been me and never would. Macau had held up a mirror to my face and showed me who I really was and where I belonged. I'd hated it, had fought it tooth and nail, but it was time to be brave. "Yes. I love him, the bad and the good," I said firmly. Pete smiled as if I'd given him some huge present. Smiling back, I turned the water on, and really let the words sink in, their truthfulness. I'd never be okay with everything Macau did, would never do even half of the things he had done and was going to do in the future. But I'd realized I didn't have to be happy about every aspect of his life. As long as Macau treated me with care and respect, as long as he loved me, and I loved him, things would work out. I'd stand by him and support him as best as I could, because he was mine and I was his.  

A/N: The next chapter is the last of Macau and Tay's story. Please look forward to it. Thank you.

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