Macau Tay - Chapter 13: Part 1

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Macau's eyes widened when he let Pete's and Vegas's little secret slip. Did he actually think I didn't know? Vegas and I would die for each other. He knew he could trust me with every secret, even one that revealed that he wasn't quite the cruel bastard he and everyone else thought he was. Somehow by some stroke of luck our sadist of a father had made the right decision when he'd chosen Pete for Vegas. I didn't think he'd known how well those two would get along, or he wouldn't have agreed to the match. He'd always strived on the misery of others. "Don't worry. Vegas told me. Your brother has warmed his cold heart. You Saengtham men have a talent for it." Tay relaxed. No matter how tough he thought he was, his body gave him away. He wasn't very good at hiding his emotions¸ which would make it easier for me. His gaze returned to the stain on the sheets. Seeing it actually gave me a sick kick, so had the fine smear of blood on my cock. I wasn't like some men in our world who would have refused to marry Tay because he might have messed around with other guys during his flight. Not that I didn't hate the thought that any guy had ever laid a fucking finger on him beautiful body, but I wanted Tay too much to care, and I found the whole obsession with purity in our world ridiculous anyway. The best sex I'd had in my life definitely had been with people who knew what they were doing, but I had a feeling Tay was a quick learner. Still after the initial shock when Tay had cried out in pain, I'd felt a rush of possessiveness and fucking joy. Tay glanced at me, suspicion tightening his kissable lips. His hair covered his pale shoulder like a veil and I couldn't resist brushing the strands from his shoulder, marveling at their silkiness. Only Tay's skin was even smoother. I didn't think I'd ever get enough of touching him. My fingers found his pulse before I started stroking his throat lightly. For a moment Tay held her breath and actually leaned into my touch before he seemed to catch himself. He took a step back so I had no choice but to drop my hand. I had to stifle a smile. He was so very predictable. At least, in his reactions to me. 

Sometimes in the past he'd managed to surprise me, which wasn't something other people managed often. Tay narrowed his eyes at me. If he knew how hot he looked when he was angry, he'd smile more often. I was already hard again and wanted nothing more than to fuck Tay. His eyes flitted down to my cock and he huffed. Shaking his head, he brushed past me and disappeared in the bathroom before slamming the door shut with an audible bang. I released a small laugh before heading back to the bed, dropping on my back and crossing my arms behind my head. I couldn't keep the grin off my face. After months of frustration, I had been rewarded, even more than I'd hoped for. I waited for the sound of running water but silence reigned in the bathroom. I sat up, suspicion filling me. There wasn't any way Tay could escape from the bathroom, but what if he decided to end his life rather than spend it with me? Tay seemed to love life too much for such an action, but I wasn't sure he wouldn't do it to spite me. I moved toward the bathroom door, ready to tear it down when it opened. Tay stepped out, his eyebrows shooting up when he spotted me right in front of him. His eyes weren't puffy, so at least he hadn't been crying, which was a relief. His nose crinkled. "What? Don't tell me you've been spying on me while I was in the bathroom?" I crossed my arms over my chest with a smirk. I definitely wouldn't tell him what I'd thought. "We both know you need supervision." With a sigh, he walked past me and climbed under the covers. After a quick scan of the bathroom, which looked the same as it had before, I joined Tay. 

He had his back turned to me, and the blankets pulled up to his chin. I pressed myself against his back, my arm sliding around his naked waist. Having his naked body so close to mine was giving me all kinds of ideas and my cock was digging insistently against his butt. I couldn't wait to take him like this, to have him in front of me on all fours, to have him riding me. I wanted to fuck him in a thousand different ways. "Don't even think about it," Tay said quietly, warningly. "I'm tired and I don't owe you more than one go in our wedding night." I laughed against his neck before pressing a kiss to her soft skin. "You are such a romantic, Tay. Your words always warm my heart." "Oh shut up," he muttered. I tightened my hold on him. He didn't try to pull away, which surprised me, and again raised my suspicions, but I blamed him demureness on the long day both of us had had. It had been more than twenty-four hours since I'd slept. Still, I fought off sleep until I heard Tay's breathing deepening and his body softening against me. I didn't trust Tay, not after what he'd done. I wasn't sure if I'd ever trust him completely. I knew he'd run the moment I left him out of my sight. I wouldn't give him another chance to evade me. I didn't care what I had to do to keep her in Bangkok. Vegas had thought I'd lose interest in him once I'd fucked him. Part of me had hoped for it, but I could already tell that it wasn't the case. I still wanted him, probably more than before. I was completely and utterly screwed. 


The next morning I woke to Macau moving around in the bedroom. I didn't give any indication that I was awake, instead I listened to his sounds. I didn't want to face him. He'd be smug about last night, definitely intolerable. Before a long shower and a strong coffee I wasn't in the mood for that particular kind of confrontation. When his steps finally moved away and the door clicked shut, I exhaled and opened my eyes. The skyline of Bangkok was hung with heavy clouds. Maybe I could simply stay in bed, but I had a feeling Macau might try to join me if I did. My traitorous body tingled with excitement at the idea of having his hands on me again, maybe even allowing him to go down on me for real. I quickly sat up, slid out of bed and hurried into the bathroom to splash cold water into my face. I winced at the burning in my lip. I peered at myself in the mirror. My lower lip was swollen dramatically and the skin below it was bruised. I looked like I'd been in a fight, which wasn't that far from the truth. I opened my mouth to take a look at the stitches. Disgusted, I quickly snapped it shut again. The events from yesterday flashed through my mind. I hadn't even had nightmares about what happened to Sid. I still felt horrible for his cruel death, but my dreams had been empty, a black void of nothingness. Maybe I did belong into this world after all. My eyes slid down to a spot on the side of my neck where Macau had left a hickey. The bastard had marked me like I was his property, and to him that was probably the case. I touched the bruise. Grimacing, I turned away from my reflection, and took a quick shower. When I returned to the bedroom, I found my bags on the floor. 

Macau must have carried them in while I was getting ready. Sneaky bastard. How could he move so quietly? I quickly put my clothes into the drawers that Macau must have cleared for me. Somehow it annoyed me that he'd made space for me as if he'd known all along that I'd eventually move in. He must have done it long ago. There hadn't been any time last night or this morning. Putting away the clothes that I hadn't worn in six months also made me realize that I desperately needed to go shopping. My old clothes felt like a relict from an old life. In our rush to leave my apartment in Munich, I hadn't been able to grab any of my new clothes. Afterward, fully-dressed I headed downstairs, pausing every so often to listen for Macau. It was silent in the apartment and as I walked through the living room toward the open kitchen I didn't encounter anyone, not even a bodyguard. Suspicion flared in me. Macau would never leave me unsupervised after what I'd done. My eyes scanned the ceiling, the corners and every other possible place for security cameras, but I found none. I hesitated in the middle of the kitchen for a moment, eyes darting to the massive coffee maker. Screw it. I needed caffeine. If Macau wasn't there, for which I was grateful, I'd pretend this was my home. And I didn't even need to pretend. This was my home now, or it was supposed to be. Of course it didn't feel like it. It had been a long time since any place had felt like home. In the last few months of my living there, even my parents' house hadn't felt like one anymore. There was no use thinking about it now. I'd never forgive Father for how he'd treated me, nor Mother because she'd let him. Maybe I was dead to them, but they were dead to me too. 

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