Macau Tay - Chapter 10: Part 1

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The Outfit car came to a stop in front of the Saengtham villa and Vegas parked the rental BMW right behind it. Vegas and Pete exited the car immediately and I pushed the door open to follow them but paused when I realized Tay hadn't even unbuckled his belt yet. He was staring intently down at his hands resting in his lap. Annoyance flared up in me. Couldn't he ever go the easy route? Did he have to be so damn stubborn? "I'm not in the mood to argue with you, Tay. You really shouldn't let your father wait right now. He's pissed as it is. Get out of the car or I'll carry you." I waited for a clever comeback. Instead he reached to unbuckle himself. His hands were shaking and suddenly I realized what was going on. Tay wasn't stalling to annoy me. He was nervous about being back here. His fingers struggled with the seat belt. I pushed them away and did it for him. His eyes shot up, brows drawn together as he searched my face. He looked fucking anxious. He didn't even push my hands away, which were still resting on her thigh. "We need to get out," I said again, this time without the previous annoyance. He nodded slowly, his eyes darting toward the window. I could see Vegas and Pete watching us, and behind them Stan and Carmine were waiting.

Nop lingered next to our second car, scanning the surroundings. I didn't think this was a trap, but you could never know with the fucking Outfit. Things hadn't exactly been peachy between us in the last few months. "I'm scared," he said quietly, then laughed harshly. "Isn't it messed up that I'm scared of my own father?" "Your father is Consigliere and a huge asshole. There are plenty of reasons to be scared of him." He was still staring at his lap. "He hates me. He wouldn't even hesitate to put a bullet through my head after what I did." He'd have to go through me, and I had no doubt that I could take him down with one arm tied to my back. I hooked a finger under his chin and turned his face around to me until his eyes met mine. "I won't allow it." For a moment he softened and his eyes darted to my lips but then Tay became his usual self and pulled back. I almost groaned. He opened the door and slid out. When I caught up with him, there was no sign of fear on his face. He held his head high and sent Saengtham's men the most scathing look I'd ever seen from him. That was the Tay I knew. 

The only indication that he wasn't as relaxed as he pretended was that he didn't argue when I rested my hand on the small of his back as I led him toward the front door. I couldn't wait to run my hands over every inch of his body, to finally claim him. Images of Sid with his paws on him slipped into my mind again and I had to resist the urge to hit something. Vegas raised his eyebrows, impatience written all over his face. "What took you so long for fuck's sake?" I ignored him because the door opened in that moment and Saengtham appeared in the door frame, a scowl on his face. Tay shrank against me. I didn't think he even noticed because his face remained perfectly unimpressed. Saengtham talked to his men briefly before sending them away and turning to Vegas. They shook hands and then he hugged Pete. He hadn't spared Tay a single look so far. It annoyed the hell out of me. His cold eyes zoomed in on me and I sneered at him. I hated everything about that man, even his stupid face and slicked back hair. He looked like the worst cliché of a mobster.

"I see you found him," he said. "I always get what I want." He still didn't even glance Tay's way but his expression turned cruel. "What you wanted was a reputable person. What you get are the ruins of God-knows how many men." Tay stiffened under my hand, his eyes widening a fraction before he regained control over his face, but his father wasn't done yet. No wonder he and my father had gotten along so well. "I can't see why you even bothered wasting your time on him. My men could have caught him without you." His men would have done a lot of things with Tay. Vegas narrowed his eyes at me in warning. Could he tell how much I wanted to bury my knife in Saengtham's ugly mug? I glared back at Saengtham, wanting to wipe that superior grin off his face. "I think we should go inside to discuss matters," Vegas said, using his Capo voice. It usually grated on my nerves when he did that, but this time it was probably for the best. I had a feeling that my knife would accidentally find its way into Saengtham's eyeball if I had to bear his stupid expression another second.

Saengtham nodded and opened the door further. Tay was practically pressed up against my side as we walked past him. Protectiveness burned through my veins. Maybe he didn't realize it but that he sought my closeness when he was scared was all the confirmation I needed for his feelings for me, even if he wasn't aware of them yet. "How can you even touch him after what he's done? After what you saw him doing. I'd be disgusted," Saengtham said as he closed the door. He obviously didn't expect a reply because he turned to Vegas. "If my wife had done something like that, I would have killed her, and I have a feeling you would have done the same, Vegas." Pete shot Vegas a shocked look but he was busy staring Saengtham down. "I'm not here to discuss what-ifs with you. I want to have this settled once and for all. You promised us something and I expect you to deliver." "What I promised isn't available anymore." Saengtham nodded toward Tay. 

"But if you want damaged goods, I'm sure we can come to an agreement. Dante is waiting in the living room for us. This is foremost Outfit business, and Dante will have the last word on the matter." Vegas met my gaze, warning clear in his eyes. "Then let's go. I have better things to do than chitchat with you. And I'm sure we can come to an understanding that will benefit all of us." I didn't give a damn about Dante or Saengtham. I was taking Tay back to Bangkok with me, even if I had to gut every single Outfit asshole in the process. 


I was trying very hard to keep a neutral expression but it was incredibly hard. To my embarrassment, Macau's hand on my back really helped me focus. His expression on the other hand only fueled my own anxiety. He looked like a man out for blood. I chanced a look at Vegas and my father, who weren't bothering to dish out pleasantries either. Things had taken a definite turn for the worse since I'd left. If Vegas was acting barely civil toward my father, relations between the Outfit and Bangkok couldn't be good right now. Pete gently touched my arm, eyes full of worry. I forced a smile, but it must have been off because he only frowned in return. Damn it. Macau nudged me forward. Father and Vegas were already heading toward the living room, but at the sound of hurried footsteps I froze, my eyes darting to the staircase. Lily and Fabi were storming toward me, their faces alight with happiness. Tears sprang into my eyes as my little brother tackled me, burying his head against my sternum. God, he'd grown since I'd last seen him. How was that even possible? 

I'd been gone for only six months. And then Lily threw her arms around me as well. "We missed you so much," she whispered tearfully. Fabi's hold on me was making breathing difficult but I didn't care. I hugged them back just as tightly. While I'd been on the run, I'd barely dared thinking about my family because it had felt like a chasm was ripped into my chest every time I did. "Didn't I tell you to keep them upstairs?" Father hissed, causing me to look up and find Mother coming down the staircase hastily. "I'm sorry. They were too quick," she said in a meek voice. Her eye sflitted over to me briefly before she returned her gaze to Father without a word to me. I swallowed. So this was it? Because I hadn't done what they wanted I was dead to them? I'd known Father would condemn me but I'd hoped at least Mother would be happy to have me back. "Lily, Fabi, back to your rooms." "But Father, we haven't seen Tay in forever," Fabi grumbled. Father crossed the distance between us in two quick strides and wrenched my brother and sister away before shoving them toward Mother. 

"Upstairs now." Fabi jutted his chin out, and even Lily didn't move. Father's face was turning red in anger. "It's okay," I told them. "We can talk later." "No, you can't. I won't have you around them. You are no longer my son, and I don't want your rottenness to rub off on Liliana," Father said, eyes hard. I wasn't even sure what to say to that. He didn't want me to see my own sister and brother anymore. "That's bullshit," Macau said. "Macau," Vegas warned. He was already gripping Pete's wrist to keep him from interfering. "This isn't our business." Father glared. "That's right. This is my family, and Tay is still subject to my rule, don't you ever forget that." "I thought I wasn't your son anymore, so why do I have to listen to a word you say?" Macau gripped my waist tightly. What? He could provoke my father but I wasn't allowed to? "Careful," Father said. "You are still part of the Outfit." "We shouldn't let Dante wait any longer," Vegas said. This time we actually moved into the living room without incident. Dante was waiting in front of the window, talking on the phone. He hung up and turned to us. I had to suppress a shiver when his cold eyes settled on me. The ice man indeed. Suddenly I was really scared. This was serious.I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt so horribly helpless. 

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