Chapter 5: Part 1

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The afternoon before the wedding day, my family moved out of the Mandarin Oriental and headed for the Theerapanyakul mansion. It was a huge building inspired by Italian palazzos surrounded by almost three acres of park-like grounds. The driveway was long and winding, and led past four double garages and two guesthouses until it ended in front of the mansion with its whitefront and red shingled roof. White marble statues stood at the base of the double staircase leading up to the front door. Inside, coffered ceilings, white marble columns and floors, and a view of the bay and the long pool through the panorama windows took my breath away. Vegas's father and stepmother led us toward the second floor of the left wing where our bedrooms were situated. Tay and I insisted on sharing a room. I didn't care if it made us look immature. I needed him at my side. From the window we could watch how the workers began setting up the huge pavilion that would serve as church tomorrow. Beyond it the ocean churned. Vegas wouldn't arrive until the next day so we couldn't cross paths by accident before the wedding, which would mean bad luck. I honestly didn't know how I could have any more bad luck than I already had. 


"Today's the day!" Mother said with fake cheer. I dragged myself out of bed. Tay pulled the blankets over his head, grumbling something about it being too early. Mother sighed. "I can't believe you shared a room like five year olds.""Someone had to make sure Vegas didn't sneak in," Tay said from beneath the blanket. "Flash patrolled the corridor." "As if he would protect Pete from Vegas," Tay muttered, finally sitting up. His hair was a mess. Mother pursed her lips. "Your brother doesn't need protection from her husband." Tay snorted, but Mother ignored him and ushered me into the bathroom. "We have to get you ready. The Beautician will be here any second. Grab a quick shower." As the hot water poured down on me, realization set in. This was it, the day I'd been dreading for so long. Tonight I'd be Pete Theerapanyakul, husband to the future Capo dei Capi, and former virgin. I leaned against the shower cabin. I wished I were like others. I wished I could enjoy this day. I wished I didn't have to look forward to my wedding night with trepidation, but I'd learned a long time ago that wishing didn't change a thing. When I stepped out of the shower, I felt cold. Even my fluffy bathrobe couldn't stop my shivering. Someone knocked and Tay entered with a cup and a bowl in his hand. 

"Coffee and fruit salad. Apparently you aren't allowed to have pancakes because it could cause bloating. What bullshit." I took the coffee but shook my head at the food. "I'm not hungry." "You can't go all day without eating or you'll faint when you walk down the aisle." He paused. "Though, on second thought, I'd love to see Vegas's face when you do. "I sipped at the coffee, then took the bowl from Tay and ate a few pieces of banana. I really didn't want to faint. Father would be furious, and Vegas probably wouldn't be too happy about it either. "The beautician has arrived with her entourage. You could think they need to prettify an army of fishwives." I smiled weakly. "Let's not make them wait." Tay's worried gaze followed me as I walked into the bedroom, where Lily and my mother were already waiting with the three beauticians. It took hours to get us ready. There was only one hour left until the wedding ceremony. 


Every now and then a clunk could be heard. "What's that noise?" I asked, trying to distract myself. Tay walked over to the window and peered out. "The men are taking off their guns and putting them into plastic boxes." "How many?" Tay cocked an eyebrow. "How many guns does each man put away?" "One." he frowned, then it dawned on him, and I nodded grimly. "Only a fool would leave the house with less than two guns." "Then why the show?" "It's symbolic," I said. Like this horrid wedding. "But if they all want peace, why not attend unarmed? It's a wedding, after all." "There have been red weddings before. I saw pictures from a wedding where you couldn't tell the color of the bride's dress anymore. It was soaked in blood." Lily shuddered. "That won't happen today, right?" Anything was possible. "No, Chiang Mai and Bangkok need each other too much. They can't risk spilling blood among each other as long as the Bratva and the Taiwanese pose a threat." Tay snorted. "Oh great, that's comforting." "It is," I said firmly. "At least we know nobody will come to harm today." My stomach twisted into a knot. Except for me, maybe. Probably. 

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