Macau Tay - Chapter 11: Part 2

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Even without a wedding dress, Tay was a fucking sight to behold. I couldn't wait to lay claim to every inch of his body. I'd make him forget everything that was before me. Tay met my gaze as if he knew what I was thinking. And I really didn't bother to hide my want for him. I'd fuck him tonight, no matter how tired and jet-lagged I was. I'd waited too long for this. Tay stopped beside me and I took his hand. The priest was looking down his nose at him. I couldn't wait to leave Chiang Mai behind. Not that people in Bangkok would look upon Tay more kindly, but at least they were too scared of me to show their disdain openly. Tay's hand was cold in mine and he avoided my eyes as the priest spoke the wedding vows. When it was his turn to say 'I do' I half expected her to say 'no' and I really wasn't sure what I would have done then but he didn't. Tay was a clever boy; he'd hide his hatred for our bond until he was a safe distance away from Chiang Mai and his bastard of a father. When it was finally time to slip on the wedding ring, he actually shivered. Somehow that annoyed the crap out of me. He should be grateful I wanted him as much as I did. His stupid actions could have cost him everything. He could at least pretend to be grateful. "You may kiss the groom," the priest intoned. I didn't hesitate. I cupped his face and pressed my lips against his. Tay stiffened, making my blood boil even more. When I pulled back, he met my gaze head-on. He was really intent on provoking me. If he liked to play with fire, fine. I didn't mind getting burned. I'd walk through flames for him.


Less than sixty minutes later we were back in the air on our way to Bangkok. My body was humming with desire as I watched Tay. He and Pete huddled together in the last row on the plane. Vegas sank down beside me and handed me a glass of Scotch. I swallowed it in one gulp. "An espresso would be better. I need to be awake." Vegas followed my gaze towards Tay and Pete. "You intend to have your wedding night once you're home." "Damn right." "From what I know about Tay, he probably won't make it easy for you. What are you going to do if he fights you?" I hadn't considered that. In every fantasy I'd had about Tay, he'd been a willing participant. I wanted him to scream my name in pleasure, wanted to make him wet. Would he really refuse me? "He won't," I said with more conviction than I felt. Vegas's eyes were practically x-raying me. "Nobody would blame you if you took what you wanted against his will. It's not like he hasn't already done the deed." My hands curled to fists but instead of following my first impulse and punch Vegas, I counted to ten in my mind. Vegas often said things like that to gauge someone's reaction. I didn't think he was being serious. Maybe before Pete I would have doubted him more. His eyes took in my balled fists, then scanned my face before smirking. "You are like an open book to me." 

"Shut up," I muttered. My eyes found Pete and Tay once more. They seemed to have an argument, an unusual sight. I'd never seen the two not getting along. "What's that about?" I asked after a moment. "How should I know?" "You and Pete are practically soulmates, haven't you mastered the art of reading each other's mind yet?" Vegas gave me the finger. "I know your husband will make your life hell, so I'll cut you some slack." "How considerate of you." I wondered how life would be with Tay. Today he'd been mostly subdued, except for a few occasions but I had a feeling he'd recover quickly and return to his old snarky self. I hated seeing his quiet side, especially when it meant he was sad about that fucker Sid. I tried to forget the bastard but somehow he'd anchored himself in my brain. And then I couldn't stop thinking about him with Tay. How many more guys had seen him naked? Had been in him? I really needed to find out their names and kill them all. When we finally landed in Bangkok, I was back to being royally pissed again. I barely glanced at Tay as we took my Porsche Cayenne back to our apartment building. Every time I caught a glimpse of him, I almost lost my shit. I needed to get a grip on myself. It didn't matter what Tay had done before today. Now he was mine, and if I didn't put a stopper to my rising wrath, I'd only do something that I'd regret later on. 


Macau had a strange look on his face whenever he glanced my way. I couldn't really put my finger on it, but somehow it made me nervous. Of course I pretended I didn't notice anything. Pete had tried to talk me into telling Macau the truth throughout the entire duration of our flight, and even now that we were pulling into the underground garage of the apartment building, he was still giving me meaningful looks. I was worried that he'd take it into her own hands to share my secret with Macau, but he knew I'd see it as a breach of my confidence and so I hoped he'd hold himself back. Macau took my hand when I got out of the car and practically dragged me toward the elevator. Pete and Vegas had trouble keeping up with our pace. I had a feeling I knew why Macau was so eager to reach his apartment. We all piled into the elevator. It started moving and Macau's dark eyes watched me in the mirror, something hungry and furious gleaming in their depth. The hunger was inexplicable to me. I looked a mess. Shadows under my eyes, fat lip, pale skin. Maybe I should have felt more anxious, but I only wanted to get this over with. Maybe Macau would even lose interest in me once he'd had me, though part of me wondered if I'd really be happy if Macau suddenly started ignoring me. The elevator stopped with a bling and the sleek doors glided open. Without another word, Macau pulled me into his apartment. I threw a glance over my shoulder and caught sight of Pete's worried expression moments before the closing elevator doors hid him from my view. Macau led me toward a door to our right. I barely had time to take in the modern furniture and stunning view of Bangkok before we rushed into the bedroom and Macau flung the door shut. The want in his eyes made it clear that he wouldn't take no for an answer tonight. 

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