Macau Tay - Chapter 18: Part 3

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The party took place in a huge penthouse overlooking the city. The noise level was overwhelming despite the size of the penthouse and there wasn't anything Christmas-y about the decoration except for an abstract glass nativity scene on the mantle and an even more abstract glass Christmas tree in one corner. Pete and I looked at each other and almost burst into laughter. My mood dropped the moment the host and hostess, a middle-aged couple that looked even more fake than their tree approached us. I braced myself for the disgusted once-over, but the woman smiled at Pete and me the same way. The hostess who introduced herself as Miriam practically beamed at me, though it looked almost scary because her face was frozen from too many Botox-treatments. "You must be the beautiful new groom," she said. "Yes, thank you," I said, startled. I darted a confused look at Macau. He must have read it right because he leaned toward me while host and hostess spoke to Vegas and Pete. "They aren't part of our culture. They don't give a crap about our rules and morals," Macau whispered. The hostess turned back to us. "Dinner starts in thirty minutes. But please help yourself to our delicious Hors d'oeuvres and Champagne." She pronounced Champagne in an odd French accent, which almost made me laugh again, but I pulled myself together and smiled politely instead. The woman had been kind to me, so I had to act accordingly, even if Vegas thought I was incapable of pleasantness. I glanced around, only spotting one familiar couple, that I assumed must be part of the mob or I wouldn't have recognized them. Apart from that, we were blissfully surrounded by strangers, who didn't call me slut under their breaths, or looked down their noses at me. This was a straight-up social event that normal people, well normal rich people attended. I relaxed. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad. 

"Come on. Let's fill up on some Champagne. We'll need the buzz to carry us through the boredom," Macau said. Vegas shot him a scowl, but Macau merely grinned and led me toward an unoccupied bar table. I grabbed a glass and took a deep gulp. That was the one good thing about living in our world; nobody gave a damn if I was of legal age to drink. The bubbles prickled delightfully on my tongue. It had been a long time since I'd had good Champagne. The last time was at Pete's wedding. Macau smirked. "What?" I asked, checking my clothes for any stains. "You look like a sophisticated man." "I'm not a sophisticated man," I said quickly and was about to take another gulp of Champagne but stopped with the rim against my lips. With a glare, I set it down. "I'm not." "I didn't say you were. I only pointed out that you look it." He was right. I fit in, which brought me back to my earlier problem. Why was I becoming more like a trophy husband every day? I downed the rest of my Champagne in one large gulp, making Macau laugh, and I couldn't help but do too. It felt good to laugh with him, and even better to see mirth banish some of the darkness in his eyes. Miriam called for everyone to settle around the tables, and asked us to sit next to her with other important guests. Unfortunately Pete had to sit across from me, so I couldn't even talk to him in case I got bored. I was wedged between Macau and a woman I didn't know. Luckily the first course was served almost immediately, so I had something to do. Miriam was more interested in Pete anyway, probably because he was Vegas's husband and knew how to do proper small talk. Suddenly I felt Macau's hand on my knee. I shot him a look but he was immersed in a conversation with Vegas and the host. I took another bite of my Carpaccio but stopped mid-chew when his hand began its ascend higher. I had to suppress a small shiver at the sensations his light touch sent straight to my center. I clenched my legs together and tried to focus on the conversation 

Pete was having with the other people. The corners of Macau's lips twitched in reaction. Of course that wasn't the end of it. When was it ever? Macau's fingers slipped between my legs despite my attempts to lock him out. I reached for the glass and took a deep gulp of the wine. "What do you think, Tay? Would you be interested?" asked the hostess Miriam. Her eyebrows were raised but due to all the Botox, the rest of her face was static, and her expression resembled one of mild boredom. My eyes darted to Pete, hoping he'd help me out. I had no clue what Miriam was talking about. Macau's fingers had distracted me completely. "I know you love modern art, and it's not easy to come by a private tour through the gallery. I'm sure Macau can spare you for a few hours," Pete said with a meaningful look. I could have kissed him. He always saved the day. "Yes, I'd love to –" Macau's fingers slipped between legs, the stupid bastard. He was still talking to Vegas and the other men as if nothing of interest was going on under the table. Pete and the other people were watching me expectantly. I cleared my throat and kicked Macau's leg hard, before I said. "I'd love to take you up on that offer." Could I sound any more sophisticated? Trophy husband all the way. I pressed my lips together to stop a moan from slipping out. Thankfully, Miriam went on another monologue about a trip to the Caribbean and I was back to pretending to listen. Only Pete gave me the occasional odd glance, as if he thought I might not be feeling well. If only he knew. The waiters entered the room with out main course, but I hardly cared. After a few bites of veal, I put my fork down. I was hungry for only one thing. Macau still wasn't looking at me. Instead he was completely focused on the conversation, or at least he pretended to be. Two could play this game. 

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