Macau Tay - Chapter 14: Part 1

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Tay was trying to kill me with his eyes. Not that I wasn't used to that look from him by now, but I had to admit it was still turning me on. I wished Sandro had waited a few minutes longer to show up, even if his early appearance gave me the chance to teach Tay a lesson. Unfortunately I was punishing myself as much as Tay with my little lesson. He'd tasted fucking perfect. I was already getting a fucking boner again. Fuck this. The elevator doors slid open and Sandro stepped in, holding up a black case. "Morning, boss. Hope I didn't interrupt anything," he said, his eyes sliding past me to Tay. Despite his mess up six months ago, he was still a good soldier. The best one next to Nop. "You didn't," I said with a grin at Tay, who's eyes narrowed even further. It was a good thing that Sandro didn't look anywhere near my crotch area because there was no way I could have hidden the bulge. Not that I fucking cared. "Let's do this now," I said eventually. Tay crossed his arms over his chest. He didn't move as we walked toward him. He looked like he couldn't care less but I knew him better than that. He was probably trying to figure out a way to make me pay for teasing him, not to mention for the ankle bracelet. But he'd brought this upon himself. Sandro watched Tay suspiciously as we stopped beside him. I couldn't blame him. His pride had taken quite a bruising when he and Pete had drugged him and tied him up. He was too clever to show his dislike though. I pointed toward the barstool. "You need to take off your tights and sit down."

"Thanks for the heads up. You could have mentioned the tights thing before and spared me a whole lot of trouble," he muttered. Fuck, his glare made me want to bend him over the kitchen counter and fuck his brains out. Sandro pretended he was busy with the ankle bracelet in the case as I leaned close to Tay. "But I loved watching you put on your sexy tights, and I'll love watching you take them off again." Tay almost tore his tights down this time before he perched on the stool, his long lean legs crossed. He pressed his lips together in anger, then flinched from pain. Fury for his father burst through my rising lust. Damn, Vegas, and his determination to keep peace with the Outfit. Sandro hesitated, ankle bracelet in hand, and darted an inquiring look my way. I'd never put an ankle bracelet on anyone, so even if I fucking hated the thought of Sandro touching Tay's leg, it was the logical choice. I nodded. "Go on." "Extend your left leg." Tay sent me a scathing look but he raised his leg without protest. Maybe he'd decided it was the better option than being locked into the apartment all the time, or maybe he was coming up with torturous things todo to me as retribution. I had a feeling I might enjoy whatever he had in mind, even if that wasn't his intention. Sandro bent over Tay's leg and started fastening the small black monitor around his ankle. I leaned against the kitchen bar next to Tay. He didn't glance my way.

"Will this monitor my alcohol intake as well?" he asked Sandro. He raised his eyes to him, then me. "I don't care if you're getting drunk as long as you do it in Bangkok," I said. His eyes fixed me with another scowl before he turned back to Sandro, who was checking the bracelet for its functionality. With a nod, he straightened. "All done. You can trace him with your laptop, phone or any other internet-ready device." "Great," Tay muttered. "Thanks, Sandro." "Do you need anything else?" I shook my head. "Not today. Nop is upstairs. You can return to your other tasks." Sandro gave Tay a curt nod before he turned around and headed for the elevator. After I'd let him out, I returned to Tay. "So how long am I going to have to wear this thing?" he asked, lifting his leg to take a closer look at the small black device around his ankle. I hated seeing him with that thing. It seemed wrong to shackle him like that, but Vegas had suggested the bracelet and it was a neat solution. Tay was too volatile for his own good. "Until I decide I can trust you enough not to do something stupid." "So forever." He dropped his leg back down. I chuckled. "No. I like your gorgeous legs better without the ankle monitor, believe me. I'll relieve you of that thing as soon as possible." I traced my fingers over his bare knee. He swatted my hand away and hopped off the barstool. "Hands off," he said sweetly. I raised my eyebrows. "I thought you wanted to continue where we left off before?" I really wanted to fucking continue where we left off. 

He walked past me toward the coffee maker, swaying his hips in away that turned me hard again. "I'm good," he said with a shrug. "All I need is a cup of coffee." He grabbed a new cup and put it under the coffee maker before peering over his shoulder at me. "What about you? Is there anything you need?" His eyes wandered down my body toward my hard-on. I could tell that he was fighting a smile. Oh, fuck. He really knew how to give me bedroom eyes. And obviously he thought he could play my game better than I did. "I'm good too." He brought his cup to his mouth, took a sip, then ran his tongue slowly over his upper lip. I stifled a groan. I had to meet Vegas to discuss what I'd missed in the last few months while I'd been hunting Tay, but I really wished I could watch him all day and maybe convince him to run his tongue over my cock. I strolled toward him. "I'm meeting with Vegas. You can spend the day with Pete upstairs if you want." His eyes widened. "I'm allowed to spend the day with Pete?" After a moment, his mouth twisted and he added. "Not that I should need your permission to see my brother..." "You and Pete haven't seen each other in a long time, I suppose you have a lot to talk about." I wondered if Tay would tell Pete about last night and what exactly he would say. Normally I'd ask him what he'd enjoyed but I knew Tay wouldn't give me an honest answer. 

No one had ever complained about my sexual skills, but I wanted to hear it from Tay. Maybe Vegas was right and I was a vain asshole. "Can we go up now?" Tay asked, excitement lighting up his face. It was the first real emotion he'd shown me all morning. "What about a kiss to convince me?" He surprised me by grabbing my shirt, jerking me toward him and pressing his lips to mine. His sexy body leaned up against me and his tongue slipped into my mouth. I didn't need any more encouragement. I grabbed his ass-cheeks, squeezed, relishing in his gasp as our tongues danced with each other. I pushed my hard cock against him. He needed to know what he was doing to me. Fuck. I was so fucking hard, it was a wonder that I hadn't come in my pants yet like an idiotic teenage boy. Without warning he drew back and I growled in response, my grasp on his ass tightening, but he pushed my arms down and stepped out of reach. "You wanted a kiss, you got your kiss. Now let's go to Pete." I knew by his rapid breathing and flushed cheeks that he was as effected by our kissing as me, but he seemed determined to suppress his lust. I'd simply have to up my game, show him what a mind-blowing orgasm really meant. After that, he'd hopefully be putty in my hands. I walked toward the elevator as if I didn't give a damn. I had more than enough experience at hiding my emotions, so I had no trouble masking my arousal. 

I pressed the button that made the elevator doors slide open and motioned for Tay to walk in. He frowned but then he headed into the elevator and leaned against the wall. Hiding my smile, I joined him and jabbed the button that would take us up. It took several moments before Vegas approved our going up. Before he'd married Pete, I had been allowed to take the elevator up without his approval, but since then he'd installed the manual override again. Not that I blamed him. I didn't want him or Pete barging in when Tay and I were desecrating every available space of the apartment either. The elevator started moving and within a few seconds stopped again. Pete was already waiting in front of the doors when they slid open. He barely spared me a glance before he pulled his brother into a hug and dragged him away toward the living area. Vegas stood with his arms crossed against the wall. "No kiss good-bye for you from your lovely husband?" he asked wryly. Pete and Tay had settled on the sofa, and were whispering among themselves. Nop raised his hand in greeting from his spot in the kitchen. He'd keep watch over Pete and Tay while Vegas and I were busy in Sphere. He knew what the two of them had done to Sandro, so he wouldn't let his guards down, and even if he did, the ankle bracelet would alert me of Tay's whereabouts. 

"Pete doesn't really look too sad to see you gone either," I said when Vegas joined me in the elevator. He smirked. "We already said good-bye twice this morning. What about you? How was your wedding night?" I couldn't stop the grin. "Better than yours." Vegas's eyebrows rose in silent doubt. "So did he put out?" "He did," I said. "And I was his first." "Did he tell you that?" Vegas asked doubtfully. "No, he didn't. He was furious that I found out. But there was no way he could have hidden it." "Good for you," Vegas said, clapping my shoulder. "So are you still into him or have you come to your senses now that your cock isn't ruling your thinking anymore?" I gave him the finger. "What makes you think my cock isn't still in charge?" Vegas sighed. "Suit yourself, but don't come bitching to me when he starts to annoy you." The elevator stopped and opened to the underground garage. "Now let's focus on business. You've wasted enough time. I need your full attention now." "Don't worry," I said, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be easy to get Tay out of my head. The image of his naked body beneath me had burned itself into my brain and I wasn't too keen on letting it go. 

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