Chapter 11: Part 2

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The sky was only just turning gray over Bangkok's skyline when I woke the next morning. I was still lying on Vegas's chest, my naked body pressed against his hot skin, but I'd slid down his body over night and his stiff length was pressed against my leg. I shifted carefully and peered up into Vegas's face. His eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful in sleep, it was hard to belief that the same face had harbored so much violence and darkness last night. Curiosity gripped me. I'd never seen an erection but I was worried about waking Vegas. After what he'd said, I really didn't want to risk him losing control. I tried to peek over my shoulder at Vegas's boner, but with the way we were positioned I'd have to break my neck to see it. Suddenly a buzzing came from the nightstand and Vegas sat up so fast I squeaked. He took me with him, one arm steadying me around the waist, the other reaching for his mobile. But the new position had made me slide down his body and now his erection was between my legs, its length pressed up against my core. I was practically riding it like a broom. I'd never been more grateful for my underwear. 

I stiffened and so did Vegas, the mobile already pressed against his ear. I tried to get into a less problematic position but that only made his cock rub against me. He groaned and I froze. Vegas's eyes dilated as his fingers on my waist tightened. "I'm fine Macau," he rasped. "I'm fucking fine. No. I can handle this. I don't need to see the Doc. Now let me sleep." Vegas hung up, put the phone back on the nightstand and stared at me. I was so stiff he could have used me as an ironing board. He sank back slowly with all the control only lots of sit-ups could give you. I remained in a sitting position, straddling his hips, but quickly draped one arm in front of my chests. Now that he was lying his erection was no longer touching me. Gathering my courage, I swung my leg over his hips, accidentally brushing Vegas's boner. "Fuck," Vegas growled, jerking beneath me. I had to stifle a smile. I knelt beside him, my arm still covering my breasts and then I allowed myself to look. Wow. I had nothing to compare him to, but I couldn't imagine he could be any bigger. He was long and thick, and circumcised. 

Tay had won his stupid bet. "You're going to be the death of me, Pete," Vegas said in a low voice. I turned, embarrassed. I'd been staring. There was hunger on Vegas's face when I met his eyes. One of his hands rested on his stomach, the other was thrown over his head. His abs were taut with tension, actually every inch of his body seemed that way. Suddenly I was overcome with shyness. Why had I thought it was a good idea to take a look at him? I risked another peek. "If you keep looking at my cock with that stunned expression, I'm going to combust." "I'm sorry if my expression bothers you, but this is new for me. Every first I'll experience will be with you, so." Vegas sat up. His voice dropped an octave. "It doesn't bother me. It's fucking hot, and I'll enjoy every first you'll share with me." He stroked my cheek. "You don't even realize how much you turn me on." With him sitting, our faces were close and Vegas pulled me in for a kiss. I pressed my palm against his shoulder, then slowly ran it down his chest to his stomach. Vegas paused kissing me. "Last night you asked me if I wanted you to touch me."

"Yeah," I said, my breath catching. "Do you want me to touch you now?" The fire in his eyes darkened. "Fuck yes. More than anything." He reached out for my arm pressed against my chests. "Let me see you." He curled his fingers around my wrist but didn't pull. I hesitated. He'd seen them yesterday, but now I felt more exposed. Slowly I eased my arm down. I sat very still as Vegas's eyes roamed over me. "I know they're not big." "You're fucking beautiful, Pete." I didn't know what to say. "Do you want to touch me now?" he said in a low voice. I nodded and licked my lips. I glanced down, then tentatively reached out and ran my finger over his length. He felt soft, hot and firm. Vegas let out a harsh breath, the muscles in his arms straining from holding himself up. I brushed the tip, marveling at how soft he was. Vegas gritted his teeth. I felt a strange sense of power over him as I ran my fingertips up and down slowly, fascinated by his silkiness. Vegas quivered under my touch. "Take me in your hand," he said in a low voice.

Vegas Pete - A Mafia Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now