Chapter 3: Part 2

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"I'm not going to take you if that's what you're worried about. I can wait a few more days. I've waited three years after all." I couldn't believe he'd said that. Of course, I knew what was expected on a wedding night, but I'd almost convinced myself that Vegas wasn't interested in me that way. "You called me a child last time." 

"But you aren't a child anymore," Vegas said with a predatory smirk. His lips were less than an inch from mine. "You're making this really hard. I can't kiss you if you look at me like that."

"Then maybe I should give you that look on our wedding night," I challenged. "Then maybe I'll have to take you from behind so I don't have to see it." My face fell and I stumbled away, my back colliding with the wall. Vegas shook his head. "Relax. I was joking," he said quietly. "I'm not a monster."

"Aren't you?" His expression hardened and he straightened, drawing up to his full height again. I regretted my words, even though they were the truth. "I wanted to discuss the matter of your protection with you," he said in an emotionless, formal voice. "Once you move into my penthouse after the wedding, Ken and Nop will be responsible for your safety. But I want Nop at your side until then."

"I have Flash," I protested, but he shook his head. "Apparently, he's taking too many toilet breaks. Nop won't leave your side from now on."

"Will he watch me when I shower too?" 

"If I want him to." I raised my chin, trying to quench my anger. "You would let another man see me naked? You must really trust Nop not to take advantage of the situation." Vegas's eyes blazed. "Nop is loyal." He leaned close. "Don't worry I'll be the only man to ever see you naked. I can't wait." His eyes traveled over my body. I crossed my arms over my chest and averted my eyes. "What about Lily? She and Tay share this suite with me. You saw how Lily can be. She will flirt with Nop. She will do anything to get a rise out of him. She doesn't realize what she could get herself into. I need to know that she's save." 

"Nop won't touch your sister. Liliana is playing around. She's a little girl. Nop likes his women of age and willing." 'And you don't?' I almost asked but swallowed the words and nodded instead. My eyes darted toward my bed. This was a horrible reminder of what would happen soon. "There's something else. Are you taking the pill?" Color drained from my face as I stared at him. "Of course not." Vegas scrutinized me with unsettling calm. "Your mother could have made you start it in preparation for the wedding." I was pretty sure I was going to have a nervous breakdown any moment. "My mother would never do that. She won't even talk to me about these things." Vegas raised one eyebrow. "But you do know what happens between married couples in a wedding night?" He was mocking me, the bastard. "I do know what happens between normal couples. In our case, I think the word you're looking for is rape." Vegas's eyes flashed with emotion. 

"I want you to start taking the pill." He handed me a small packet. It was birth control. "Don't I need to see a doctor before I start taking birth control?" 

"We have a doctor who's been working for the Familia for decades. This is from him. You need to start taking the pill immediately. It takes 48 hours for them to start working." I couldn't believe him. He seemed really eager to sleep with me. My stomach tightened. "And what if I don't?" Vegas shrugged. "Then I'll use a condom. Either way, on our wedding night you are mine." He opened the door and gestured for me to move. As if in trance, I walked into the living area of the suite. I hadn't meant to make him angry, but now it was too late. It probably wasn't the last time anyway. Flash stood beside Tay and Lily, looking annoyed. He frowned at Vegas. "What are you doing here?"

Vegas Pete - A Mafia Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now