Chapter 12: Part 1

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Tay managed to get a ticket for a flight two days later. I was brimming with excitement that day. It hadn't been long since I'd last seen him, but it felt like eternity. It was already getting dark outside when Vegas and I pulled up at the airport. I wished Tay could have gotten a morning or afternoon flight instead. Since my comment that Vegas would kill me in order to protect the Familia, he'd been emotionally withdrawn, not that he'd been an open book even before that. The only way we interacted was at night when Vegas pleasured me with his hands and mouth, and I him in turn. Maybe without Tay's impending visit, I'd have tried to talk to him or even pleaded him to show me where he worked, instead I'd given him the space he obviously wanted. Vegas parked the car and we got out. He didn't try to take my hand. I didn't think he was the type of man who held hands, but he touched my lower back as we entered the arrival area of the airport. "Are you sure you'll be okay with Tay living with us for the next few days?"

"Yes. And I promised your father to protect him. It's easier when he's living in our apartment." "He will provoke you," I said. "I can handle a little boy." "He's not that little. He's barely younger than me." "I can handle him." "Vegas," I said firmly. "Tay knows how to push people's buttons. If you aren't absolutely sure that you can control yourself, I won't let him near you." Vegas's eyes blazed. He'd been on edge all day. "Don't worry. I won't kill him or you in the next few days." I took a step back. Where did that come from? Was he angry because of what I'd said? It was the truth; we both knew it. "Pete!" I whirled around. Tay rushed toward me, dropping his trolley on the way. We collided almost painfully, but I clutched him to myself tightly. "I'm so glad you're here," I whispered. He nodded, then pulled back, searching my face. "No visible bruises," he said loudly, her gaze darting behind me toward Vegas. "You only hit places that are covered by clothes?" I gripped his hand and gave him a warning look. "Get your luggage," Vegas ordered. "I don't want to stand here all night." Tay glared at him but retrieved his trolley and returned to us. 

"A gentleman would have got it for me." "A gentleman, yes," Vegas said with a tight smile. We walked back to our car, my arm linked with Tay's. Vegas walked a few steps ahead and got behind the steering wheel without a word. "What's the matter with him? He's even more of an asshole than I remember." "I think the Russians are giving him trouble." "Aren't they always?" Tay put his trolley into the trunk of the car before we both sat in the backseat. Vegas raised his eyebrows at me. "I'm not your driver. Get in the front with me." I was taken aback but his harshness but I did as he said and sat shotgun. Tay's face was scrunched up with anger. "You shouldn't talk to him like that." "He's my husband. I can do and say to him what I want." I frowned. Vegas turned to me, meeting my gaze. I couldn't place the lookin his eyes. He turned back to the street. "How are Lily and Fabi?" "Annoying as hell. Especially Lily. She doesn't stop talking about Nop. She's in love with him." I laughed, and even Vegas's lips twitched. I wasn't sure why but I reached out and put my hand on his leg. His eyes snapped toward me briefly, then he covered my hand with his until he needed it to shift gears again. Tay's eyes were attentive as they watched. He'd bombard me with questions the moment we were alone, no doubt.


When we stepped into the apartment, the smell of roast lamb and rosemary wafted over to us. "I told Marianna to prepare a nice dinner," Vegas said. Tay's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Thank you," I said. Vegas nodded. "Show your brother to his room and then we can eat." He was still withdrawn and stiff. I watched him head around the corner toward the kitchen area. I showed Tay the guestroom, but he quickly pulled me inside and closed the door. "Are you okay?" "Yes. I told you on the phone. I'm fine." "I prefer to hear you say it when I can see your face." "I'm not lying to you, Tay." He gripped my hand. "Did he force you to sleep with him?" "No, he didn't. And I haven't." His eyes widened. "But something happened between the two of you. I want details." I pulled away. "We need to have dinner now. Marianna will be mad if the food gets cold. We can talk tomorrow when Vegas's busy with business." "Tomorrow," Tay said firmly. I opened the door and led him toward the dining area. His eyes took everything in, then became slits when she saw who else would be having dinner with us: Macau. He and Vegas stood beside the table, discussing something, but stepped apart when they noticed us. "What's he doing here?" Tay said, his nose wrinkled. Flashing his shark grin, Macau walked toward him and gripped his hand to kiss it. 

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