Macau Tay - Chapter 9: Part 2

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Twenty minutes later we boarded the private jet of the Outfit and I took a seat next to the window. Macau sat across from me but he didn't make conversation. Nobody tried to speak to me throughout the entire flight. I had a feeling Macau was using the time to calm down. Occasionally I'd catch him watching me but I couldn't read the look in his eyes. When I rose halfway through the flight to go to the toilet, Macau stood as well. I swallowed a comment and walked toward the toilet in the rear. When Macau didn't back off even as I opened the door, I couldn't hold back any more. Self-preservation be damned. "Are you going to watch me pee? It's not like I can escape by jumping off the plane." "I wouldn't put it past you to try and kick a hole into the wall of the plane to kill us all." Was he being serious? The corner of his mouth twitched but then his expression hardened again. For a moment our eyes were locked, then I quickly stepped into the small toilet and closed the door. 

Macau didn't stop me but I knew he'd be waiting for me and probably listen for strange noises. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. Fear and sadness raged in my body, and it was getting increasingly difficult not to break down into a sobbing mess. I almost wished Macau had manhandled me. Why did he have to act like a decent human being? "What are you doing? Don't force me to kick in that fucking door," Macau muttered. Not even caring that he would hear me, I took care of business before I stepped back out two minutes later. Macau's eyes wandered over me as if he was looking for a sign that I was up to something. I would have laughed if I thought I could. We returned to our seats and resumed our silence. My stomach was in knots when we landed in Chiang Mai. I hadn't gotten a minute of sleep while we were in the air. The knowledge that I would have to face Father soon kept me wide awake. Only yesterday, I'd eaten pizza with my flat mates and made plans for a trip to Croatia in the summer, and now my life was once again out of my control.

Even worse, I might very well face harsh punishment from the Outfit. Macau really had no reason to protect me from Father's wrath. And even if he tried, why would Vegas allow him to risk a conflict with the Outfit over me? I was less than vermin in their eyes. The private jet came to a stop and Macau got to his feet and motioned for me to do the same. My legs shook as I followed him toward the door, which was already gliding open. It was around 4pm, but I felt as if it was the middle of the night. Macau grabbed my wrist, giving me a warning look. "Don't run. Don't do anything stupid. Your father's men are looking for a chance to hurt you. I'd kill them of course but that won't help you." Was he actually worried about me? Macau was an enigma. I wasn't sure why he was so interested in me. I had a feeling it was his pride. He couldn't accept that I didn't want him, so he'd force me to marry him even if I didn't want it, even if he didn't want me anymore. If he really cared about me, he would let me go. No, this was a power play. Emotions had nothing to do with it. "Don't worry. I want to see Pete." He shook his head. 

"This isn't the right moment for your snark to return. Your father won't appreciate it." Then why was he almost smiling if he thought it was such a bad idea? The door was fully down and Macau led me down the few stairs, his fingers around my wrist unwavering. I felt like a toddler who did his first steps. Annoyance battled with worry in my body, but before I could decide if I wanted to risk a retort I spotted a familiar person. Pete. He stood beside Vegas, and when he saw me she started running. I peered up at Macau pleadingly but he didn't let me go and kept leading me toward Pete in unhurried steps. When my brother had almost reached us, he released me and I rushed toward Pete. We collided almost painfully. I crushed Pete against me, hugging him as tightly as possible and he did the same in return. "Oh Tay, I was so scared for you. I'm so glad you're here." He was crying and my own face was wet with tears. God, I'd missed him. After a moment, he pulled back, his eyes doing a quick scan, lingering on my new hair color. 

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" suddenly feeling like breaking down sobbing. Regret weighed heavy on my mind. I should have never run. Seeing Pete's worried face was another reminder. If I'd stayed, if I'd married Macau, then Sid would still be alive, and Pete wouldn't have had to worry for months. Why did I have to want the freedom to make my own decisions? "Tay?" Pete lowered his voice. "Did Macau do something?" "Macau didn't do anything," Macau said in a hard voice, making Pete and me both jump. "I didn't ask you," Pete said quietly. My eyes darted between them. I had a feeling they weren't on good terms. Also because of me. Vegas arrived beside us and clapped his brother's shoulder. "Good to see you again." I hadn't even considered that Macau had been gone from home for a long time because he'd been after me. Vegas barely glanced my way, not that I cared. "I'm fine," I told Pete who seemed reluctant to believe me. "The boss is waiting," Stan barked. 

"Let's go. It's not like the whore deserves a big welcome." Pete gasped. I stiffened but managed not to show my shock. I didn't give a damn what Stan thought of me. But Macau was the fastest to react. He pulled a knife and hurtled it at Stan who cried out when the blade nicked his ear. "Next time my blade will split your fucking skull if you don't keep your mouth shut," he said. Stan rested his hand on the gun in his holster but didn't pull it. Blood was dripping from his cut ear down onto his shirt. There was murder in his eyes. Carmine stood very still, but he hadn't pulled his gun either. When I turned to Vegas, I knew why. He had both of his guns aimed at my father's men and behind him Nop whom I hadn't even seen before was doing the same. "We don't want this to end badly, do we?" Vegas asked in a very low voice. "Your boss wouldn't appreciate it." Carmine nodded and relaxed his stance but Stan looked like he didn't care if my father punished him as long as he got to kill Macau first. For several moments neither of us moved, then Vegas put his guns back into their holsters. 

"Let's go." Carmine picked up the knife Macau had thrown and handed it back to Macau, who didn't take his eyes off Stan. "He'll drive in a car with us," Stan said. Macau's lips pulled into a cold smile. "This is the last warning you get. Stop pissing me off or I'll carve a smile into your throat." Carmine grabbed Stan's arm and pulled him toward a black Outfit car while the rest of us headed toward two BMWs. Pete moved to sit in the back with me, but Vegas held him back. "No. I want Macau to keep an eye on your brother." Pete gave me an apologetic smile before he sat shotgun beside Vegas. Macau gave me a knowing look when he settled beside me on the backseat. "You'd probably jump out of the moving car if I gave you the chance." I huffed. "I'm not completely crazy. Do you think I'd risk running around Chiang Mai unprotected when my father's men are obviously out to hurt me?" 

"So you trust me to protect you but still don't want to marry me." Surprise shot through me. "You still want to go through with the marriage?" "You could probably ram a knife into his back and he'd still want to go through with it," Vegas said from the front. "He's a stubborn fucker." "I didn't hunt you for six months only to let you go." I searched his face, but I couldn't look past his arrogant mask. He wouldn't let me. "Maybe you shouldn't have wasted so much time hunting me." Then I'd still be in Munich, and Sid would still be alive. But I had to admit that part of me had missed my former life. Not all of it, mind you, but definitely my siblings and maybe even some other aspects that I didn't want to admit to myself yet. Macau didn't say anything but his lips tightened. The rest of the drive passed in tense silence. I tried to hide my nerves as we pulled up in front of my old home. What would Father do to me? 

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