Macau Tay - Chapter 12: Part 2

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"Tay?" My face turned hot. "Shut up," I muttered. I loosened my fingers, which had clawed at the bed sheet. Macau's eyes were soft. "Why didn't you tell me?" I decided to play dumb. Maybe I could convince him this wasn't what it looked like. "Tell you what?" A sly grin twisted his lips, and I wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his face. Of course he didn't buy my lie. He wasn't an idiot. He was a master manipulator and I obviously had a lot to learn before I could trick him. "That I'm your first," he said. Did he have to sound so...relieved and proud? If I hadn't been worried that getting his cock out of me would hurt as much as getting it inside had, I would have shoved him away. Lying beneath him made a fair argument difficult. I narrowed my eyes. "I thought we were going to fuck? I'm tired of talking to you." Macau braced himself on his hands, bringing us closer. I tensed at the twinge the movement caused. "First I want you to answer my question. Why? You could have spared yourself a lot of pain, if you'd told me," he said calmly. He looked like this was the easiest thing in the world for him, being buried deep inside me, and having a chat. When it became clear that he would wait until I gave him what he wanted, I said, "Because I didn't want you to know." His grin got even cockier. "Because you didn't want to admit that you waited for me." 

"I didn't wait for you. Now stop talking and fuck me, damn it." This was getting too personal, and I hated how vulnerable I was, naked inside and out. How was I supposed to stop feeling if Macau kept asking me things I didn't want to think about? Macau didn't take his eyes off me. They were dark and possessive, and seemed to stare right through me. If it hadn't felt like a defeat, I would have looked away. He pulled out slowly before sliding back in and I tensed from the pain. My body was a horrible traitor. At least, I managed to hold back a gasp this time. Macau moved slowly and carefully, his muscles flexing with every thrust. I hated that he was being considerate. I hated that he wasn't acting like a total asshole, hated that hating him wasn't as easy as I'd thought. If he wasn't an asshole, then somehow Sid's death was even more my fault, because my running away was unnecessary and selfish and unfounded. I gripped his shoulders. "Stop holding back." Macau's brows drew together but he still didn't move faster. I dug my fingers into his skin and jerked my hips despite the soreness between my legs. "Stop holding back!" This time he listened. His eyes flashed and then he slammed into me harder and faster. I closed my eyes as I held onto his shoulder. I probably left marks with my nails. I didn't care and Macau didn't seem to mind if his quick breathing was any indication. The pain felt good, gave me something to focus on beyond the crushing guilt. But there wasn't only pain. Soon the stretched feeling turned into an exquisite pressure, a low hum of pleasure I'd never felt before. Macau lowered himself, changing the angle in which he pushed into me, hitting an amazing spot deep inside me. 

Macau's mouth found my throat and then he bit down on my skin lightly. A moan slipped out of my lips. My eyes shot open, meeting Macau's intense gaze. I couldn't look away. I wanted to pull him closer and push him away at the same time, wanted to hide and open up to him, wanted and not wanted. "Are you going to come?" Macau rasped. I shook my head 'no', not trusting my voice. Maybe I could have come. It felt increasingly good, but I needed to bring space between Macau and me, needed time to get a handle on my emotions before they overwhelmed me. I was confused and tired and sad. Macau raised himself on his arms again and sped up even more, slamming into me over and over again, and then he tensed above me, his face twisting with pleasure, and damn he looked magnificent, like something even Michelangelo couldn't have created better. Macau's movements became jerky and then he stilled, eyes closed, a few strands of dark hair stuck to his forehead. My fingers itched to brush them away, to touch his lips and jaw. Instead I dropped my hands from his shoulders and rested them on the bed beside me where they couldn't do something stupid, something I'd regret later. Macau's eyes peeled open slowly and I sucked in a quiet breath. Why couldn't he stop looking at me like that? He didn't smile, only pierced me with his dark gaze. I pushed against his chest. "You're getting heavy. Get off." The corners of his mouth twitched, then he slowly pulled out and plopped down on the bed beside me and reached for me as if he was going to embrace me. 

Panicking, I sat up and slid off the bed. If he hugged me now, if he acted like we were a real couple, one that cared about each other, I'd lose my shit. I headed for the bathroom, not bothering to cover myself. Macau had seen all of me already, and I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of thinking I was embarrassed to be naked in front of him. I didn't hear him coming after me but suddenly Macau grabbed my hand, stopping me from disappearing into the safety of the bathroom. Our eyes met. His were almost...regretful. "I shouldn't have gone so hard on you, but you know how to push my fucking buttons, Tay. Did I hurt you?" Concern, there it was again. Damn it. Why couldn't he stop acting like he was a normal guy? Did he really think that would make me forget who and what he really was? "Don't pretend you didn't like it." "I don't. I loved every fucking second of it. I've waited a long time for this moment. I've spent almost every waking moment of my search for you imagining having your hot body under me. But in my imagination you were moaning my name and having multiple orgasms. You definitely weren't in pain." That arrogant bastard. "Keep imagining that. It won't happen." Macau braced himself against the doorframe, trapping me between his arms. "Your body reacted to me, Tay, even if you don't want to admit it. Next time you will come when I fuck you, trust me." "What makes you think my body was reacting to you? Maybe I was imagining I was with someone else. The mind is a powerful tool." I tried to slip away under his arm but he pushed me against the doorframe. 

"Maybe I was imagining it was Sid and not you fucking me." Macau didn't even blink. He didn't believe a word I was saying. Damn it! "If you'd really wanted Sid to be your first, you would have let him fuck you. So why didn't you?" "Because you killed him!" Macau smiled. "We both know that's not the reason why, but let's just pretend it were true. Then I'm glad he's dead. That wimp didn't deserve the privilege." I couldn't believe him. "You asshole. I knew you'd get a kick out of it, that's why I didn't tell you." Macau leaned close until there was less than an inch between our lips. "But I know and I won't ever forget. You are mine now Tay, and I fucking love that I caught you before you found a loser to pop your cherry." I tried to slap him but he caught my wrist and actually kissed my palm with a self-satisfied grin. I wrenched my hand away from him. A myriad of insults flitted through my mind, too many to choose only one. Macau nodded toward the bed. "Maybe I should tell everyone that we can have a presentation of the sheets after all." My eyes grew wide. That was the last thing I wanted, and Macau knew it. He was taunting me. I pushed past him and this time he let me, and rushed toward the bed. There was a small pink smudge on the sheet. "You wouldn't dare," I said. Macau crossed his arms over his chest. He was still gloriously naked and was getting a boner again. The bastard was turned on by our fight. "You shouldn't tempt me." I shrugged. "Even if you showed the sheets to your family, nobody would believe you anyway. They think I'm a slut, remember? They'd probably think you faked the stain with your own blood like Vegas did in his wedding night." I tensed. This was a secret I was supposed to keep. Nobody knew. Why couldn't I ever keep my stupid mouth shut? 

A/N: Alright, 'it' happened.

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