Chapter 15

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'But I still couldn't understand how did it catch fire? That too so furiously?' Omkar Anna said as he recalled the incident when Mukta Vanni kept a hand on his shoulder saying 'Stop recalling it and have your coffee Om...What matters is we all reached on time and above all no one was harmed!!!' she said. Everybody nodded except him.

He was sitting silently looking outside the window. He looked lost. It's only when Kedar Bhavaji kept a hand on his shoulder he was out of his trance. Kedar Bhavaji patted his back asking if he was alright and he silently nodded but that's when his eyes met mine for a brief moment. His bluish greens bore into my eyes without any emotions.

That's when Pattu said 'Thank god the fire was controlled in time. I still can't forget Pakku's face the moment we told her about fire.' and suddenly my head snapped in my sister's direction.

'Arey that's why I told you not to tell her anything till we handle the situation Doll!!! We didn't want to scare her. She's almost going to enter her 8th month soon. We couldn't give her any stress!!!' Rudra Bhavaji said and my lips parted.

Shit!!! Prakruthi!!! She stays in the same could I? How could I just go so blind in scaring Neil that I didn't think once about my sister's safety? She's heavily pregnant. I knew the fire wasn't spread so much. It was the bed and the curtains but how could I still dare to risk my sister and her children...and Neil's family... they don't deserve the punishment of his deeds!!! How could I?
And again my eyes met his who clenched his jaw and stared into me without even blinking.

'Its all that stupid decoration. I told you Pattu... Candles are never safe!!! That room had so many candles!!! Such a bad idea!!! Thank God we reached on time. Did you notice Ava's forearm was badly bruised in fire. Her saree caught fire. I can't even imagine what would have happened if she didn't manage getting out of it' Sanskriti said slightly hugging me. When my eyes fell on Prakruthi who was sitting next to Kedar Bhavaji. She caressed her tummy and Kedar Bhavaji kisses her knuckles and suddenly I realise what a selfish person I was. I was ready to not only hurt myself but also my sister in my desperation and anger. Now I was feeling guilty.

They were still arguing amongst themselves when Damodar Uncle asked everyone to dismiss the discussion and go back to bed. Dr Aahir confirmed of an early morning surgery for dad. Sharada aunty asked Neil and me to shift to the guest bedroom as of now.

'Avanthi...' Sharada aunty called me as I was going into the room. I slowly walked towards her. She slowly undid the thick blanket that I was covered with and looked at the bruise on my forearm and asked 'Does it hurt a lot?'. I was shocked. I didn't expect her to talk to me so sweetly. 'No aunty I'm okay!!!' and she nodded and covered me again with the blanket.

'I know there has been a lot of things offlate which probably was unexpected but I want you to know, we are all a family now. We Nayaks stand by each other during our good and bad times. I want you to know that we are all with you.' she said and my lips parted and I nodded.

'I know you think I hate you. It's not that Avanthi. I don't hate you. It's just that Neil really wanted to marry you. He was the one who asked me to send his proposal to you!!!' she broke the bomb leaving me speechless. He asked his mother to send a proposal? But why?

'No one knows this! He told me not to tell anyone. Not even Kedar. He didn't want to put any kind of pressure on you. So all I could do was, talk to your father. But neither said a yes nor a no and after 2 months of waiting I understood that you are never going to respond. It was your way of saying a no and that annoyed me. I thought you are an extremely arrogant ignorant selfish girl. And after that incident Neil never came back to India. In a way I blamed you for it. I thought your unspoken denial broke my child!!!'

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