Prologue - Teaser

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'Calm down Dad!!! We still have time. We will look around again!!!' I tried to console him but he looked extremely broken and upset.

'Yes Dad!!! I have put all my men at work. You please relax!!! And Prakruthi...' saying he offered me a glass of water and signalled me to make dad drink a few sips. I tried but dad seemed too absorbed to even listen to what I was explaining him. To add on Paro Aunty's mother in law... Prarthana's grandmother began taunting dad

'Now you understood Ananth why I told you not to organise this wedding? Ran away right? This is why I told you to do the boy's background check and verification first. Your girl brings a random boy saying she loves him and you get her married to him. Atleast have some responsibility as a father. This is so shameful. Half of Mangalore is sitting outside awaiting the bride and groom. What are we supposed to do now? This is so shameful!!!' she said to which Kedar spoke up saying

'I am sorry if I am interfering here granny!!! But the guy wasn't an unknown man. Avanthi has worked with him for six big years. He was her colleague. And I don't think he has run away. Abhijit is a good man. I have done all the background verification personally and above all why are you all assuming that he ran away. He might have stepped away due to some emergency maybe?' Kedar tried to stand up for a missing Abhijit and shutup Prarthana's grandmother but then Damodar Uncle who was the eldest in our Nayak's family now spoke up saying

'Kedar...His phone is switched off, and how did you forget the cash from your room is also missing...' to which Kedar spoke up

'Uncle... Abhijit has a stable job in the UK...he earns in pounds...the missing is amount isn't such a huge one. Why will he let go off a girl with whom he's been for 6 years and why are you all forgetting it was he who had proposed Avanthi. Something is not right Mantu (uncle)' he said and thats when Omkar Anna spoke up

'Now is not the time to argue upon this. I suggest we put off this wedding as of now and maybe wait for police to come back with an update. I have already informed my friend Commisioner Sandesh, also sent him Abhijit's picture and they are already looking for him. We should soon have an update. Let's maybe.....Ummmm... ask the guests to leave... Muhurat time has already gone. It was a Godoli Lagna (Evening auspicious time for rituals) and now clock is ticking 9 pm. Rudra and Shivansh have already started sending people for dinner and people are questioning. Rudra managed to lie saying there is a family emergency. I think we can put off the wedding giving the same reason that Avanthi isn't well and she needs to be admitted to the hospital ' suggested Omkar Anna and we all thought it was a good idea.

That's exactly when Omkar Anna got a call from someone and his face lost all its colour. Disconnecting the call and taking a deep breath he said

'Comissioner Sandesh called me...they found out that Abhijit was boarding a flight back to London.' and when were about to ask him more questions he added

'With his wife!!! He's married someone else!!!' and that's when hell broke loose. Avanthi who was sitting quietly staring at the wall, dressed as a Gawd Saraswat Brahmin Bride stood up in one go and locked herself up in the dressing room. We kept knocking at the door continuously but she did not respond to anyone. We were scared if she would do something to herself. We decided to break the door open when she didn't open the door even after 15 mins. But that's exactly when dad collapsed on the floor. Within seconds Avanthi opened the door and she was in her regular clothes. She had got ridden of her wedding attire. We didn't wait for a second more and rushed dad to the nearest hospital. Avanthi kept begging dad to be fine and keep his eyes open. I had to be strong. I had to take care of both my elder sister Avanthi and my younger brother Pranay.

Damodar Uncle's family managed the crowd at the wedding alter when doctors fought for dad. The doctors said that dad needed a bypass surgery. He probably had minor attacks before which went completely ignored. One of his valve was completely damaged and there was no other way but to go for a open heart surgery. Kedar sent dad's reports to one of India's best cardiologist and surgeons in Bangalore who checked and confirmed the same. Doctors decided they cannot delay further and they have to get him operated within next 24 hours.

Avanthi, Pranay and I held onto dad's hands as he was lying in the room where he was been admitted to bring his blood pressure and sugar levels under control before the surgery. Our tears weren't stopping. This was the scariest moment of our life.

'I am not worried for Pakku! I know Kedar is a good man. I am not worried for Pranay as well. This year my boy is going to complete his MBBS. I wish to see him get his convocation certificate. Pranay...I know you will make it on your own without donation. Just like how you managed your MBBS seat as well!!!' he whispered and Pranay held his hand saying

'I promise Ana (dad)' and Dad smiled but then looked at Avanthi and said

'I am only worried of my big girl!!! Who silently takes in everything and thinks that her father won't understand her. I love you Cherda (child) and I understand your dreams. You need not have to runaway from it. And yes I was angry with you when you ran away from the wedding but once if you would have attempted to tell me about your dreams...I would have tried to understand you my baby...You are my first one' he said breaking into tears and Avanthi burst out into tears. I could see the helplessness in her eyes. Only I and Kedar know why she ran away from the wedding that day. She helplessly shed tears as dad said 'Dont blame yourself for Abhijit! He wasn't good for you. I always felt it. But you were in love.' dad said and Avanthi looked elsewhere.

'I wanted you to marry Neil!!!' he said and Avanthi and my expressions changed. I looked at Avanthi who almost stood up to leave when dad said

'I dont know if I will come back Avanthi. I have spoken to Sharada Akka and she is more than happy to accept you as her daughter in law. Say yes my child! You and Pakku will be in the same house. Nayaks are good people. Neil will keep you happy my child...say yes!!!' he said leaving Avanthi shocked.

Without uttering a word she turned around only to see Neil standing at the door. She tried to walk past him when he spoke up in one go

'Marry me Avanthi!!!' and everyone in the room was left speechless.

Looks like few things are in your fate and maybe even if you try to run away from your own destiny at times you can't run away from the demon within you...

Maybe that's why Avanthi tried running away from everything for 7 long years and was probably successful too but she could never get successful at

Running away from THE ASMODEUS

Jan 20 2023

The Nayak Brothers - BOOK 4

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