Chapter 14

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I was taken into his room which was decorated with roses, Jasmine and various scented candles. The huge king sized bed had rose petals, candles decorated along with a picture of mine and Neil's printed and stuck onto a pair of white teddy bears hugging each other. The long white curtains and the floating candles placed in small vessels at every corner of the room, they had not left a single corner untouched. The room screamed romance and even a blind man could say it's a setup for a first night.

I suddenly felt Prarthana's chin on my shoulder saying 'Looks like someone is already dreaming about how and when to do what...Ahhhhemmm lucky Neil!!!' she burst out laughing when Mukta Vanni glared at Prarthana saying 'Pattuuuu!!!' to which she pouted saying 'I was just teasing her na Shizuka Vanni...It's her first big night after all!!!' saying she clapped her hands like a kid while I looked elsewhere when Mukta Vanni raised her eyebrow again making Prarthana leave the room silently. Mukta Vanni held my hand and made me sit on the bed saying

'Your sister Pakku is banned from climbing stairs, so I'm here. Ignore Prarthana... she is a innocent child. Her childlike jokes makes our lives beautiful. At times she goes overboard, don't mind her...okay?' she asked and I smiled saying

'I know Vanni... She's also my cousin!' and we both chuckled. Slowly everything went silent again when Mukta Vanni held my hand saying 'I know how you both got married... And just because Neil seems to be smitten by you, doesn't mean you should also have the same emotions in the same pace. You were in a relationship with a guy for so many years and I know how it feels when someone ditches you for someone else. I have been there done that. My marriage to your Omkar Anna was not normal either. Before me, he was known as a demon!!!' she said and I snapped my head in her direction playing that word 'Demon???' on my tongue again.

Even I call Neil a Demon. The Asmodeus to be precise!!!

'We got into an accidental wedding post which we tried to hide it from the whole world. No it wasn't wasn't easy staying away from each other!!!' she said leaving me speechless. Our pains and fears were different yet similar. We took time but eventually figured out a way to accept each other and I became the Demon's Secret Wife!!!' she said with a wink and I smiled.

'I know it's not easy but it's not tough either. Just be vocal. If you don't like something address it to him or us. We are your family now. If you are not comfortable or happy with something, say it openly rather than suffer or live through it. One thing Om and I learnt was there is no point in hiding anything with each other although it's upto you whether you want to address it to the world. So...simple...if you are not comfortable with something, speak up. Neil I'm sure would understand. Okay???' she asked holding my chin and I nodded.

'And remember...I may stay in the bungalow in the next compound but I'm just a shout out away from you. You have Pakku but you will always have me and the entire family too' she said and I nodded. Suddenly she kept a small box in my hand which was wrapped in a gift wrapping paper and I looked at her when she smiled saying 'An old friend of yours gave this to me. She was skeptical about coming here but she wanted you to know... she's ALSO there for you!!!' Vanni said and I quickly opened the box and it had a small box full of jeera (cumin) peppermint in it. I smiled as my eyes filled with tears. It contained so many childhood memories within as I put a pinch of them in my mouth with tears rolling down my cheeks as I whispered 'Sanskriti???' and Mukta Vanni smiled and nodded.

I noticed it also had a small note along with the steel box, so I opened and started reading it,

Ava... I know you like the pink ones better than all other colors but life isn't only about a's about a little yellow, little green, little white, little's a mix that life throws at you and you should learn to adapt yourself. I know you will.

Running away from THE ASMODEUS (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now