Chapter 7

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'Ummm Mr Karthik?' I was confused seeing him on this floor. Then I thought that maybe he had come to the terrace. But then I noticed files in his hands and I was confused.

'Actually Miss Avanthi. I came here to meet my boss. He stays here' and I nodded.

'But how come you are here?' he asked and I suddenly remembered the reason I was here

'Ummm actually I had been to the grocery supermarket but looks like your boss paid for my grocery because I didn't have change. But I don't keep anybody's favours. So I've come here to return the cash!!!' I said while Karthik said

'Ohhh!! But actually Sir doesn't meet anyone without an appointment!!!' he said and I frowned.

'Mr Karthik... I'll hardly take a minute. I'll just pay him the mone-' but he quickly interrupted saying 'I understand Avanthi but Sir doesn't meet anyone without appointments. You will have to talk to his PA' and I was irritated. I was already getting late because I had meetings lined up post that I had to go to Udyavara.

I pressed my forehead and said 'Look Karthik...I didn't call this upon myself. Your Sir jumped into this when I didn't ask for help. Now this appointment and PA is just stupid!!! Could you please do me a favour? Can you please give this money to your boss please. Infact...he can even keep the change'

'But Miss Avanthi-'

'Please Karthik...' I gave him my best puppy face and he smiled and said 'O.K...I will try. Actually Sir is very strict. Even though Sir is my neighbour. I have to still take a formal appointment to see him. He's a very private person.' he said and I rolled my eyes. Who cares what he is..As if I have to take care of him forever. I gave it all a deaf ear and yet another time sang the 'Please' song to Karthik and he happily agreed.

Phew!!! Such a relief!!!

Finally after finishing continuous meetings I looked at the clock, it was already ticking 11 am. I decided to rush towards the bus stop but to my bad luck, most city buses were full. So I decided to take an auto. Luckily the Mangalorean auto drivers are kind people. They agreed although I was late. I reached the location at 12pm sharp. It was a huge clothing showroom.

I hurried into the showroom when my eyes fell on Sanskriti who was talking to someone and suddenly her eyes met mine. She didn't like me much and I won't blame her for it. We were more of childhood friends than cousins. Sanskriti was always the sweet and the humble kind so when I got to know she ran away from her wedding I was shocked.

Trusting me to be her good friend and cousin, I was the first person she called from Hungary but instead of supporting her decision I started preaching her that running away was never a solution. That moment I did not care to think from her perspective. She had not run away maligning her family, she ran away because she was having an opportunity to education. I didnt understand her. She disconnected the call and then we never spoke. But when I denied marrying Kedar Bhavaji, she was the first one to call me a hypocrite. If only I could explain her my situation.

Since then Sanskriti ignores me. It hurts to see her so distant. However when I tried to ask her she bluntly said 'Ground floor first left!!!' without even seeing my face. It hurts. I nodded and noticed Pakku along with Mukta Vanni and Sharada aunty. The moment I arrived Mukta Vanni hugged and welcomed me but Sharada aunty royally ignored me.

Kedar Bhavaji and Omkar Anna were looking for some Sherwanis for the men in the family when Sharada aunty said 'Pick a saree for Smruthi as well. Ananth Anna wishes to see them getting engaged soon. By today or tomorrow we'll know the dates!!!' and I was shocked. I was hurt. Nobody cared to tell me about it. Not even dad. I was looking lost when I heard Kedar Bhavaji say 'Relax!!! Dad had called today morning. He wants the engagement to be preponed. He fears his health ' and I was worried when he said

Running away from THE ASMODEUS (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant