black sheep

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Hail, hail the black sheep,
We are blood,
Not family

They said they loved me
Acted like they'd treat me right
Didn't care as I cried at night
They picked and teased and prodded
Till I exploded
And then I was at fault for it

It wasn't long before they acted like I
Was the black sheep
The one who didn't matter
Who didn't deserve her peaceful sleep
Hid me away, kept under lock and key
Made me feel like I was wasting away

Depression ate away at me
And they didn't care, they didn't see
I was just a freak to them
They didn't care about me as a person
Just wanted me to shut up and take it

But I couldn't deal with all the lies
All the trauma and anger and pain
All the things they caused me
Left me alone when I needed a friend
Put me in charge when I wanted to end it

They call me the black sheep
The total freak
And I want to scream
I am not what they say
But I suppose, if I am
Then that means I'm more than they could handle
And damn, if I'm not proud of that

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