negative thoughts

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What if I were to tell you
That nothing in my mind is true
And what if I told you
My mind lies to you, too?

I can't get out
I can't make a sound
So corrupted, so unloved
I scream and
I shout
But it's not like it matters
It's not like I matter
This is all a lie
I'm trapped inside
My own damn mind
All I do is try
But what if I fail?
What if I die?

Would that be so bad?

Things are never as they seem
Even when you think they are,
It's so easy to lie and cheat
Your way through a day
Lie and sigh through your life
Acting like everything is


I've had enough,
I can't breathe,
I'm dying inside and
I think I like it
My soul is screaming
My heart, it's weeping
And nothing I do is making a difference
All I do is write and rhyme
While my mind sits and whines
It's like nothings alright
And nothing I do
Will ever be the same

It's like I'm a ticking time bomb
And I'm about to explode
The pain is too much
And I want it to stop
I want it to end
I need this pain
To stop forever
Just cease

But I still stay strong,
I still stay brave
I still remain
Even in the hard days

But what if it's not enough?
What if I'm not enough?
What if nothings ever gonna be the same?
All because of me?
Oh, god, I'm so lame
This pain's eating me alive
Maybe it's time
To just stop

No! No!
I won't let go!
I'm not going to give up!
This is my heart, my life, my soul!
So what if it's bad now?
So what if all is dark now?
I'm gonna stay strong
I'm gonna survive
I'll pull through this
I'll make it out the end alive
No more bad thoughts
I'll give any attention to
It's time to shut them out

It's time to embrace myself
And be happy once more

And ignore those thoughts
That plague my heart and soul

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