wild one

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Dancing in the moonlight,
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to my favorite songs
And basking in the starlight
The cool wind blows on a summer night's breeze
Freeing my spirit, and making me believe

I'm dancing in the moonlight
They call me the wild one
Say I've embraced
My feral side tonight
I'm a wild one
A free spirit, that's true
Embraced by the moon
I am unbroken and pure

I am a wild one
Dancing to the beat of my own song
Never to be caged
Never to be broken
I am a free spirit
I have been chosen

The moon, she dances with me
The wind and stars sing with me
And as I dance and I sing
The moon gifted me with a ring

She said it was for the wild ones
To find each other in the world
To embrace each other
To love one another
And so I'd never be alone
She'd always be by my side

Never lost to the currents of time
Always on my mind
I am a free spirit
A wild one, it's true

And when you're loved by a wild one
You know that you'll always be loved, too

I may yet to have found my one true love
If he or she is even out there
But I have feelings for more than one person
To which I already care

It's a sad world where a wild one is mocked
Shunned and driven away by spite
But when you find a true wild one
They are such a delight

Poetry Book: Songs from the Heart [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora