texting first

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I stopped messaging first
Stopped hearing from a lot of people
Felt so sad and down
Like it was my fault somehow
But then I realized
Phones work both ways
So if they don't want to talk to me
Then I don't want to talk to them

But the thing is,
I talk to one person now
And I feel so alone
So isolated and confused
It's like my heart breaks
Each and every time
I don't hear from them

I don't know why
They don't care about me
So why should I care about them
I just wish
I knew why
People just say they'll always be there
And then when you need them most,
They're gone
Nowhere to be found

And no matter how hard I try
And try and try and try
People don't care about me
Like I care about them
They say don't expect you from others
But it's so hard to not expect more
From friends and family

Who say they love you
But make it obvious
That they really don't....

Poetry Book: Songs from the Heart [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now