I'll Bottle It Up

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I don't want to cry
Don't wanna leave you behind
I just want to try
To make it all alright

I just wanna make you mine
And hold you close
And I can't hide
How I feel inside
Anymore than I
Could even fly

But you're lost to me now
And I don't know how
To make you see
The truest part of me
I don't wanna scare you away
Don't wanna make a mistake

But I can't deny
How I feel inside
Anymore, I could fly
Fly away from the lies
That we tell ourselves
To make amends with our demons
And fight off these feelings
It just isn't right how we
Bottle up inside
All the things that are right

The things that are right here
Right before your eyes
Don't wanna make you cry
But I know inside
You must feel this way
And you must make a change

Or else we won't belong
To anything we find
Locked up deep inside
Ourselves, we find
The truest ties
To make it all alright

We gotta figure it out
How to be someone else
And maybe we can try
To make it work
For it must hurt
To keep it bottled up inside
The words we hide
From the ones we love
Must hurt to say once we
Love someone else
But I don't know how

To say anything else
So I'll just
Bottle it up inside
And say goodbye

I've left the chat,
Now I won't look back
Even though I feel like I must turn back
I won't just hide
What I feel inside
But I can't take risks
And lose what we have

So I will bottle it up
And I just will smile
Because if I don't look
I can't see your smile
So I just bottle it up
And I grin and bare it
But I love you
And I just can't deny it ....

Poetry Book: Songs from the Heart [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें