worse than death

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It's exhausting being sick 24-7
Never having a break
Always expected to be your best
Never getting enough rest
Like a baby bird without a nest

Pain worse than death
Imagine being in pain all the time
Never having a break from unending suffering
Not just emotional, but physical pain
What's left to gain?
More pills
More cheap thrills
Exhausted whole-body chills

Just take this pill
It's a miracle drug!
Just try this yoga pose,
I'm sure it'll work!
Just think positive,
I'm positive it'll cure you

Nothing like that ever helps,
Called attention-seeking,
Pill-popping, drama queen
You know it's mean
And yet, you say it anyways

Well, fuck you
Because words and whispers hurt just as much
Especially from so-called family and friends
This is something I can't control,
Something I was born with
Something that makes me myself

And yet, I hate it
I want it gone
I want this pain done
I want to feel relief
Some semblance of normalcy
But no, it's chronic pain for me

I hate it
I want it gone
But yet, here it remains
The pain that continues
Each and every day
My heart hurts
My whole body is screaming,
I'm on fire

Nothing takes it away,
It's just the edge off the worst of it
I wish it'd just fucking stop!

Why does everything have to hurt?
Why does everyone have to not understand
You don't understand till you have it
But I wouldn't wish this on you

I guess I'll just shut up
And smile and act like I'm okay
Even though it's a lie....

Poetry Book: Songs from the Heart [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें