75. Bon appetit

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I can't believe opening the door can be that hard for them to do....me.

Anyways it was ME so I had to do what I asked not so politely.

The door opened and I stepped inside like the King, I am.

My brother and cousin were first to see me walking towards them I can see some satisfying surprises on their faces. Porsche was busy eating ice cream while watching a girl in silver. He noticed something and turned to look in the line of Kinn's vision. He grinned while looking at me.

At least someone is happy to see me here. What a pleasant day to have! hahaha.

I almost approached them in style while seeing the stupid back of that third party towards me. But it's okay at least it gets me some kind of suspense vibes.

I saw the girl turning her long neck to watch me. I scan her from head to toe. Even though she looked like a girl out of a beauty pageant I didn't like her.

I held my chin up challenging her to stare at me some more then I would do something inappropriate as to kick her out of the room.

She shifted her eyes to watch the guy who brought her here, I noticed how she made her two fingers move in a walking style on his thigh. That looks odd but who cares!

I stopped right behind the guy for whom I came all the way here to see for the first or maybe the last time. Who knows when the night is still young?

Or should I do the deed myself before my beautiful Amy manages to come here on her own?

Well she has the kindest heart I've seen and I don't want her to stop me or anyone from executing this Scratch. Or even doing something horrible to forgive the man who made her life....tough.

Tough is the underrated word for what she has gone through. I clenched the thing tightly and pulled it out of my pants.

"Hello!" I whispered putting my golden gun on the back of his head.

"Khun!" It was Kinn who exclaimed in his deep voice in... horror?

I glanced at his life partner who was nodding in appreciation and at his plus one who was looking forward to seeing me pull the tiny trigger. Hah psycho!

"Hello!" I blinked at the owner of this new but weird voice.

"..." What should I say next? I looked at Pete for some help but he was busy staring at his psycho partner who had the smirk on his face while looking back at him.

They were having some kind of moment. I rolled my eyes at them.

Damn those black and white lovers!

From the corner of my eye I noticed that a girl touching her covered leg and the Russian patted her naked leg two times with his index finger.

I tilted my head as it felt like something 'blink once for yes and twice for no'. In their case it was tapping on the leg. Weirdos!

I walked around to take the empty seat beside my Porsche boy who was sitting right in front of that girl.

"Good to see you mister..." The Russian was the first to start talking after waiting for me to sit in a comfortable position.

"..." I remained silent just to make him feel awkward. He blinked waiting for me to introduce myself as if I will do that when he already knew about me.

"Mr Screaigh! This is my elder brother Khun, Tankhun Theerapanyakul." Kinn introduced me by watching me and not doing it myself.

"I didn't expect your elder brother to come here." Is-gray said while clearing his throat.

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