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A man sat on his bed, drenched in his own tears. He grabbed a notebook from his bedside and scribbled aggressively

I keep running, I keep hiding but I can't find a way out! He killed them... Three players left; one survivor prevails.
I am no murderer but goddamnit I can't help but think it's the only way out.
I can kill them. 
I can't do that; I would never do that. I have to run; I have to hide.

He tore the page from the leather spine and threw the notebook away. He opened the drawer next to him and snatched a pile of yellowish papers scattered within It. The man ran out of the room as fast as he could, unaware that some of his papers slipped through his fingers, revealing messy drawings of stars and Latin symbols. The head of the paper, written in bold, dark red, read the words:

daemonium captionem

Heyy, I hope you liked the Prologue!!
I already wrote the whole book so by the end of February/Early march the whole novel will be uploaded here!

Also, I started making small edits for the novel, summing up the vibe of each chapter, I upload these on my tiktok, I hope you enjoy the book! From one reader to another, you're in for a wild ride ;)

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