Chapter 11 - that baby is going to tear you apart!

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I week ago, I came back to France

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I week ago, I came back to France. I landed in Nice, and I was relieved because I felt her again.

Loïc, Mattéo and Antoine took over last week. I was incapable of leading the pack. I stayed till yesterday at our pack but the distance between me and my mate took too much of me.

When Pearl, Robert and the others kept receiving postcard from everywhere in France we decided that I needed to be here. The plan was simple, I would visit some pack around France, hoping to find her somewhere.

Every pack in France new that my mate was somewhere here, heavily pregnant. I have already visited some packs around Lyon and Montpellier. Last night I arrived in a pack close to Toulouse. I had a good night sleep and dreamt about Jen again. I felt her here like I felt her in Seattle. Around 10am I got a phone call from Pearl.

"Pearl, hi."

"Hi, have you found her?"

"No not jet, but I'm closer than yesterday."

"Good, so Lewis just received a postcard from her, she writes 'I'm with grandma, I wish you were here.'"

"And where is grandma? Does Lewis know?"

"Well, grandma died a long time ago. But they inherited a house from her in Lacanau. He only doesn't remember where in Lacanau."

"I'm going there, can you send me a picture of her? Then I can ask around."

"Will do and let me know when you have found her."

"Of course. Bye and say thanks to Lewis from me!"

"I will. Bye, good luck."

I said goodbye to the Alpha and left in my rental car towards Lacanau, excitement flowed through me. I was also a bit nervous to finally see her again, I hope that she will be happy to see me too. Along the way I felt her more and more and I had the feeling that she wasn't feeling well. She was in pain, I hoped that she someway could feel me too. I tried to stay calm and keep to the speed limits but yeah it was hard, I forced myself halfway to take a break and finally 4 hours later I arrived at Lacanau. Parking my car, I entered the first restaurant and walked to someone who worked there.

"Bonjour, vous avez réservé une table?" (Good day, have you booked a table?).

"Non, I'm looking for this girl." I showed him Jen's picture on my phone, I saw in his eyes that he recognized her, but he shook his head.

"Sorry, I know Alice, but I don't know where she is. She comes here often with Sarah and Camille."

"Where do Sarah and Camille live?"

"Close to the beach, that's all that I know."

"Thanks anyway." I stepped back out and walked around towards the town square, where a market was held, they were just breaking up. I showed Jen's picture to many of them, and they all recognized her, calling her Alice, but nobody knew where she lived. At the end of the market an older man approached me "Are you Jen's brother?"

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