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1. No part of this story may be copied or reproduce in anyway. Please alert me if you see it somewere else. I have no rights to used images.

2. Would there been similarities to other stories than that's purely coincidental.

3. There will be grammatical and spelling errors.English is NOT my first language. (it's dutch)
I read and reread my story a lot. I still find errors :-(
Sorry about that, I'll take them out when I see them.

4. Comments, questions, constructive criticism and so on are always welcome.

5. Everyones taste is different...keep that in mind when you read a story. There's no point in bringing something down, you only hurt people with it.
Just leave the story, thats what I do...

6. Please vote!!

When I write from Olivier's POV, his thoughts and most of his conversations are in French, but I write them in English. Otherwise, I need to put aside the translation in English, which gives me double work and therefore I chose to write everything in English. Here and there I will write something in French.

Also, I understand and speak some French, but the writing is (to) difficult for me. In conversations with others, he and his pack members talk English with here and there French words.  

I had an idea in my head and started it, but forgot to give more thought over my characters along the way, especially Olivier's. That's why this story isn't that long.

16 chapters + 1 epiloog

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