"Belloma, true name unknown, came the from Eastern regions of what was the Colorado Region. Old US state, from a society known as Twin Mothers. From what we understand, they were a mostly peaceful people, lived up in mountain homes, but had a society that was lead by a Goddess, identity known as Diana.

When Lanius, reached closer to them, she would see the end coming, and in a move of desperation, save herself, in exchange for the extermination of her tribe. She lead the battles, swept through the mountain homes and eventually killed Diana. For her actions, She was granted the name Belloma, a name similar to the God of War, it was a mockery of the name and position." Ruby said.

Chu Chi was shocked as she soon types up a request for the head of the guard, a moment later a clone in read armor came in, "Commander Foxx reporting as requested Senator."

"After the destruction of Twin Mothers, she would be assigned to the northern fronts of the legion, pushing into the Utah. She would lead a campaign that would lead to the White Legs becoming a puppet of the legion, and she would use them to destroy New Canaan, while she held the line against the Eighties."

Chu Chi just listens along with Fox as they took in the information of the former NCR intel officer now turned diplomate, all the information they learned caused them to be on edge as Senator Chu chi asks, "and you believe that the jedi representative is her? Are you sure?"

"The Legion was known for not allowing female leadership. It is such a rare case, that it is most likely. My suspicions originated in the name, the appearance gave me more confirmation. If we meet, I could confirm it without doubt." Ruby explained.

Chu chi leans back into her chair as she looks at Commander Fox, "Commander, your opinion on this." She asks.

"I have no issues with make sure, but if she is Legion then we should either arrest or eliminate her." The clone commander said.

"That would be difficult due to her status as the Jedi's side, plus....I doubt that eliminating her is a good idea. Internal data in my systems read that deconstruction would detonate a series of Mini-nukes."

Chu Chi was deep in thought as Ruby says, "We dont know for sure she is the same one, for all we know should could not be legion. However i recommend that we stay on high alert around her." She then adds with respect. "Senator."

"Agreed. If she leaved the Jedi Temple, we may be able to arrest her and get potential Confirmation. However......that leads to another interesting Observation. Sources of the Republic Inteligence Service, the CIS has an AI as well, one that has....links, to the Enclave."

Both Chu-chi and Fox shivered as they still remember the Enclave log and the horrors they conducted.

Chu chi leans forward with her fingers locked together as she says, "Then we will just have to make sure we are smarter then the enemies of Terra." with a deadly seriousness.

A woman in armor rode into a town, it was in hutt space, the small town was run by more criminals than good people. The speeder she was on was old. A few of the gangsters from an open air bar near the edge of the town, all gathered around the old bike, looking at the woman riding it.

"Damn, you must have gotten that thing back in the Old Republic. That thing looks like it belongs in a museum, or a junk yard." one said, before making the rest of the group laugh.

The woman on the bike looked at them, lifting her dusty helmet, looking at them all.

"It's what works, besides, I don't need to compensate for something old that works, especially when the new thing breaks faster." she said, moving to adjust herself on the seat, before looking at the group.

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