Big MT

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Fun note: this chapter is 80% angry reactions, 15% "that's fucking stupid" and 5% "WHY!?"

"Tonight on ISNN, we have the conclusion of the the Ryloth investigation. The verdict is going to be released. To catch you up to speed. The Foreman of the Techno Union, Emir Wat Tambor, was killed by the droid forces. It was found out that he had been looting the planet of many of the valuables, both cultural and monetary. It has been a week since the end of Ryloth's campaign.

We have found the reason behind the long blockade, which was orchestrated by Wat Tambor, who has now been removed from the council of leadership. Many more investigations are being launched into the various members of the council who founded the CIS."

A static could be heard as the sight of Mandalores news was seen as an image of Dooku was seen with an enraged face as the news anchor reports, "Breaking news from the CIS space, as the investigation launched by the Parliament of the CIS found disturbing information and even a lab conducting illegal experiments which in the words of one Mina Bonteri. "Enclave in nature" however the shocking bomb shells dont stop as Dookus fiery statement given about the revelations of the former Techno Union Foreman." The screen is replaced with a record session of the CIS Parliament.

Dooku raised his hands to silent the crown, as several reporters and parliamentary members began to quiet down, cameras flashes illuminated the leader of the CIS.

"People of the Confederacy, I am most displeased with the discoveries, from the abuse of power committed by a fellow member of the leadership council, to the attempted revival and transformation of the Blue Shadow Virus, I hoped this war would not lead to the unleashing of mad men onto the galaxy. Those who committee such acts are going to be found and be sent to a neutrals system to be judged, by both Republic and CIS judges, for crimes against sentients. The CIS is not a ship that uses such means to advance our gouls, it is a body determined to allow the people of the outer and mid-rim to have the power that the core and the inner rim."

The video shrinks as a another video shows the doctors and staff being loaded onto a transport ships, "As of now the prisoners are being transported to Mandalore space to face justice. Once this revelation was shown to the wider galaxy. One statement from a Republic senator seem to suggest the support of Dookus declaration." Another video cuts to the outside of the Republic senate building.

Senator Mon Mothma was shown, a title of "Senator Mon Mothma, Senator of Chandrila, Leader of the "Reconciliation Faction" of the Senate.

"With the announcement of Dooku wanting to have the peace be shared, I believe we should offer a hand to them. We are able to work to with them to sentence criminals, we can see that this is for the good of everyone. We can have this war end, and a new Republic formed from this new form. The Core has gathered much power, and harmed the outer, and mid rims from that power being gathered." She said.

The reporters tried to get more questions only to be held back by Senate guards as Padme is seen watching the news. "I honestly cant believe how much has changed." She says laying back in her office chair.

"Yes, it has, thanks to our actions." Bail said, smiling.

The door opened and senator Chu Chi and Mon Mothma walked in, smiling at the pair.

"Hello senators." Chu Chi said, sitting down in a chair.

"Hello Mothma, Chu Chi." Bail said.

Chu Chi the blue skin Senator looks at Padmes pipboy and comments, "Oh my is that the new frame? I thought those didnt come out yet!" Be they Senators or even high ranking military officials, those of the female gender will always find time to talk fashion.

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