Mud, Business, Luck and Questions, what more could you ask for?

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"War! War never changes of Jabiim. With the heavy continual trench like warfare on the planet, many attempts to route out Separatist hardpoints have lead to the the planet getting a code name of Red Mud. The Jedi Generals, Luminara Unduli, her padawan, Barriss Offee and Shaak Ti have been sent, with their respective clone forces to aid their fellow Jedi General, Quinlan Vos, in the battle, and push the enemy from their strong hold on the planet's capital city. 

Alto Stratus, trusted commander of Grievous, has taken command, and is now causing suffering, to both forces. The Capital City of Choal is under the control of the Ultranationalists of the planet

Down Below on the planets surface was lines, upon lines of trenches, Clones now issued with the new power armor were being used to help with moving artillery, Heavy blaster nest, or just being used to replace their less armored brothers. Among them is Vos who is also seen wearing power armor with the helmet off as hes using the scope to look over the trench. "Damn sepys are dug in deep, gonna take alot of fire power just to break through that wall." He grumbles as their own cannons continue to hammer the large city wall, Backing away from the scope he adorns his helmet and looks at the clone officer as he asks. "How goes the rotation of the new power armor units? We on time?" He asks as the new addition of power armored forces have been a major boon for not only moral, but also a factor of weather a battle will be a victory or failure.

Captain Frog placed his hand on his helmet "We got air support from the 41st Elite and 98th Assault Corp. They will be landing their heavy forces towards the front, with Power armor and Walkers." 

As he finished, a swarm of LA-ATs flew in low, each dropping 4 power armored clones, with 8 normal armored clones. A few armored transports coming with near by and setting down AT-TEs

Vos nods as he moves away from the front trench, back towards their command bunker. 

"Any word on the poor idiots who High command is sending to roll around in the mud of this hell hole we call home captain?" He asks as he moves out of the way for wounded to be moved away from the frontlines which so far as been the 30th wounded trooper being moved, This one missing both their legs and left arm, clearly caught in an artillery attack within his trench. "Poor bastard." Vos mutters under his breath. 

"General Luminara Unduli, her padawan Commander Barris Offee, and General Shaak Ti." Captain Frog explained.

  He walked with General Vos, still inside of his power armor. The captain's white armor was nearly completely caked in mud, with some spots washed off. The Non power armored clones had removed sections of armor, for better flexibility, primarily the thighs, and the biceps, with the stomach plate also removed. Most of the 224 had changed their basic clone armor in that way, with only an occasional bit of variation, they had also put more wrappings around their unarmored spots, mostly to stay warm.

"What does the forecast say?" Vos joked.

"Rains staying for the next few days, then it's suppose to clear up to get bad." Captain Frog said.

Vos just grumbles, the fact the planet seems to have three seasons. Raining, not raining, or being colder then a night sisters tits! Hell! the majority of the losses suffered from Vos's forces wasnt the droids or their artillery fire, no, it was the sickness that came from these force saken trenches! "They send us girls to our little slice of hell instead of people who know what the hell were dealing with." He says not really caring the fact in a way insulted his fellow jedi and in a sense, fellow republic officers. "Skywalker i could understand! The mad bastard seems to pull victories out of his ass! Kenobi id be fine with! But green horns! HA! Seems hell finally froze over and were suffering the after shock of it." He declares before finally arriving to the space port area where fresh troops are drop off, and the dead or wounded are taken away.

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