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Jedi Padawan Barris day 3 of, ill be honest i cant even call this planet anything other then absolute madness. The clone forces here try to keep moral high as best they can, however my master is not taking it well as by day two she contracted a cold and was forced to put on a Terran inspired uniform that is like Master Shaak Tis. Of course my own sanity is in question as i have found myself shaking like a scared child. The sounds of battle still haunt me, blaster fire for many miles, the slickening sound of a bayonet tearing into a troopers flesh. A trooper next to me firing his blaster in desperation. All these sounds come together to create sympathy of horror. conducted by death itself.

As Barris finished the entry in her diary, a sharp whistle broke out. A Clone Commander yelled out "Trench Raiders, GET READY!!!" Barris watched as the clones gathered their weapons, and then she watched in horror as out of the heavy rains in front of her they appeared, like monsters out of a mist, they charged with reckless abandonment, some clones didn't even go for their blasters, Their shovel's did the talking as they swung the shovels at them, taking their heads off and for some burying them deep into their heads and pulling them back out sometimes taking a chunk with them. But before she knew it Barris was set upon but one of Them and with out thinking she took the shovel and swung it at the thing in front of her. It stopped half-way into the things head, Barris collapsed and the thing fell on top of her and she saw the light leave it eyes as it died, it didn't make any noise as it did, but still she saw it all, and like that it was over the raid had been pushed back, she could hear the clones cheering as They retreated back to their lines, it wasn't long before a clone saw that she was pinned and helped her up. She didn't know how long she just sat in that trench numb, it was the first time at such a close ranged that she could see the light leave the eyes. She needed someone to talk to, but would Master Unduli understand, she didn't know. But she had to find out.

Her thoughts was interrupted as a hand was placed on her shoulder, spinning around quickly thinking it was another enemy, she raised her shovel up to attack. Only to stop as she saw jedi master Vos who was just staring at her with eyes of understanding. "You good?" He more stated then ask and all Barris could do was mutely nod her head. Giving a curt nod in return he walks off to check on the other clones to see who they would be sending off to get help, or who would be going home in a box. Barris of course just slumps down against the trench wall and lets her emotions out as she silently crys. Wishing for this damn war to end.

It was days later, Reports from both clones and the Generals were startling to the command, so it was decided that Generals, like Ki Adi Mundi, and Rahm Kota, would take their place. Shaak Ti, Barris Offee, Luminara Unduli and Quinlan Vos, along with their troops, would be evaluated. The Kaminoans had stated it would take great mental strain to break a clone, it seems that many of the clones had been pretty close to breaking.

The Jedi, were greeted by Anakin Skywalker, who himself was being resupplied, after a loss on Felucia, the planet that was basically unending battle

"Master Shaak Ti, Master Luminara, it is good to see you are still breathing. I remember my mission there...it was...it was hell." Anakin said.

Barris just numbly nods as the medical staff begin unloading the wounded forces, while Vos chuckles, "Hell? I beg to not be offended by your lack of knowledge of said mud balls current status jedi knight Skywalker, but that place needs to be blasted from orbit and considered a lost planet!" Anakin just nods as the other two masters and padawan is escorted taken to a ward for mental stress.

Anakin had left the medical station, his cybernetic hand had been chewed on it, and now he needed to have the parts readjusted. As he left, he felt bad for the jedi. He remembered his days, the Padawn Pack......they died....hoping to end the battle, and didn't accomplish anything.

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